Chapter 5: Meet Luna Nightwalker

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(A/N: This takes place in the past)


Lucy's POV

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?!?! I swear it, you guys are the weirdest couple ever..." I yell at my sister and her pink haired boyfriend. Both their faces turn as red as Erza's hair. Her boyfriend, Natsu, sheepishly rubs the back of his head, and then wraps an arm around my sister. I laugh. "Wow you two."

I receive a glare from my golden haired sister and she starts to mumble something under her breathe. This causes me to giggle a bit. A scoff pulls me out of my thoughts, and I glance to my right to see a raven haired ice-mage muttering, looking rather down. 

"Something wrong, Gray?" I ask. He hardly glances up at me, and goes quiet. This causes me to worry a bit. But before I can open my mouth to protest, Erza cuts me off. 

"What's going on there?" She gestures over to a small cafe, where people are pouring out of the door. Our curiosity got the best of us, and we all cautiously made our way to the crowded cafe. At first we couldn't get through the door, then Erza managed to scare some of the crowd away with just a single glance. 

I was surprised when we got inside, I expected it to be loud and many of the customers to be upset or angry, maybe even in a rush, but that was not the case. It was silent, except for the gentle voice of a woman singing. 

Gray's POV

I don't want to be here, there's too many people, and I'm really not in the mood to deal with them and their problems. But, I was entranced, I couldn't move from my spot, nor could I speak. The woman singing, her voice was beautiful. I get the feeling that she was singing with actual knowledge of what she was singing about. As though she had been through a time that the song describes. 

Somehow, I manage to make my way to the front of the stage, and now I can see the woman who's singing. Her eyes are closed, and her layered brown hair fell perfectly down her shoulders, hiding some of her face. She had a strapless red dress on, that ended just above her knees, with a pair of black boots. In her hands she held a simple acoustic guitar, and her fingers strummed over each string, playing a beautiful song. 

"Close your eyes, pretty girl

Cause it's easier when you brace yourself

Set your thoughts on a world far off

Where we only cry with joy

Oh, set apart this dream!

Oh, set apart this dream for me!!" 

Her voice held so much power, capturing everyone's attention, even causing some to throw money in a small pile on the stage. I found myself getting lost in her voice, I even threw some cash into the pile on the stage. All I could focus on was her. Her beauty. Her voice. Her. I wanted to hear her voice even more.

"You're so much more than you know

Heart of the purest gold

Clothed in such splendor

Oh what a beauty for me

Set apart this dream

Set apart this dream

Oh, set apart this dream!

Oh, set apart this dream for me!

Set apart this dream for me!" (Set Apart This Dream ~Flyleaf)

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