Chapter 3: Me, Myself and I

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One more day. Was the thought I woke up too. One more day and I would be leaving. I practically was jumping up and down in excitement. I would be able to use my hand again to shoot. It was feeling better a couple of days ago but I didn't want to reinjure it. Gathering up the last of my supplies, I decided what to bring and what not to. By the time I was done the sun started to set again but thankfully I was ready to grab my stuff and leave tomorrow. Once again I laid down and rested in this place I called home for the last time.

Bright and early, I set off before the first light. I was hoping to get far from this place. I had stayed for too long but I couldn't do anything with my hand before. Jogging at a easy pace I avoided any patch of mud which would show my footsteps in detail. At least if I was in the dry dirt, I wouldn't show too much. But A good tracker could pick it up. That was if there was any left to began with. The Grim Reaper took out a good chunk of the population. My Mom told me there was only one to two billion left, and that was just as the Reaper Gift activated. I guess that there wasn't even a billion left. Maybe a Million and something. So the chances of a tracker tracking me was slim to none. But I wasn't about to run though the mud like a lunatic and make trails everywhere. It was better to be cautious.

Or paranoid.

Shut up.

Are you still mad at me? I let the silence answer her question.

Oh come on! It's been forever since we talked.

I still didn't answer her.

Can't we put this behind us. Time will go faster if we talked some. I let the idea flitter in my head and sighed out loud. Whispering as quiet as the breeze, I said

"Fine, what do you want to talk about, and it better not be about my personal hygiene because I will ignore you for a year." I adjusted my packsack and waited for her answer.

" But your personal hygiene stinks, you could at least rub some flowers on you so you at least would smell better."

I bit my lip and let silence enter my head and focused on the task ahead. The heat stroke me gently as I swiftly jumped over another log and made sure not to land on any twinges.

"Opps sorry about that, I promise I won't do it again...Even though you do stink. You can't attract a guy smelling like a skunk."

I clenched my fist and my bow in my other hand and thankfully there was no pain. I still didn't answer her.

"I'm actually surprised those boys didn't notice us when they came into the field. I was sure that they would die from our smell on the spot. Although, I guess I should be glad that we stink. None of those guys were attractive at all. So at least with us smelling bad, they would leave us alone--"

"What part of the Grim Reaper do you not get!" I interrupted in a shout that stung my throat. The forest quieted around us and I cringed as I realized I just gave away our position, Jogging faster I tried to get away from that spot as quietly as I could. Then once I traveled a good distance I scanned the area and climbed a tree to check the perimeter. Once I was sure I was safe I climbed back down and continued to jog again. I whisper back, barely hearing my voice, I said.

" You know as well as I do that we can't even get near a human and take the chance that they might go Reaper on our ass. So where in blazing Suns Heat, did you get the idea of us getting up and personal with a guy?"

"Well, I was thinking if we did have to team up with a person, it might as well be a hot and sexy guy that we can rely on." I stumbled forward. Tripping on my own two legs.

"Excuse me?"

" I even have perfect image of him, he should have dark brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes. He should be buff but not like the beast. Oh, his personality should be kind, caring, and he should get angry when we are hurt. Also, he should be over protective and know how to hunt too. But better than us of course, because we shouldn't better then the guy we love."

"Love? What in blazing sun's heat are you talking about. Are you suggesting we got find a guy to rely on and become a weaklings. Then when he gets infective, we would be at his mercy. No! That is not happening." My voice rose and I had to make a considerable effort to lower it back down.

"And where did you get the idea of suddenly wanting a guy in our lives, because last week you wouldn't have even sudjected it... Wait, are you infected with the virus, because I think the virus would be better then what you are saying."

"No I'm not infected..." She paused and didn't say anything more.

"Well." I prompted her. But all I got was a empty reply back.

"Fine than, be that way, but I will find out sooner than later." With that we didn't talk the rest of the day. I was left alone wondering why she wanted a companion when we were obvious fine without one. I thought about this even as I ate, and made camp for the night. As I tugged the rope in the tree. It still haunted me. And even into my dreams.

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