Chapter 6-Betrayed

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Restless nights were ahead for Draco, he dreams of her, but she'd be laughing at him for being foolish. These haunted him, such nightmares that reminded him he could lose her to some person that lied to get her.

Weeks flew past and he'd see them...together. He did deserve her, he doesn't love her!  but maybe he was foolish to fall for her now, after so long.

It was spring, all the students spent their time outside, admiring what nature has to offer. Hermione sat under a tree with Corman everyday. Draco would watch her, smiling and laughing at his jokes. He's stroke her hair gently and holding  her hand.

"What are you doing?" said a voice behind him. "Erm, nothing... just deciding whether i should go out" he lied. "Well why are you staring at them?" Pansy said sternly. "Why do you care?" he looks away and stormed out, the hot sun was blazing, but the cool air relaxed him. What he'd give to sit under that tree with her, to stroke her hair, and whisper in her ear those 3 words....

Hermione looked at him, did she see him staring at her? She got up and walked over, Draco was panicing. "Hi, we haven't talked in a while...since you'd changed" she said slightly blushing. "The last time we talked, you stormed off" She smiled at him. "Yeah, but that was the past" He told her, avoiding her eyes. "you should come sit with us, me and Cormac" She claimed. But he didn't want to go anywhere near that theif, if he did, he'd want to punch him. "No, I'm fine thanks" He couldn't bare it, so he slowly walked away.

Hermione found his behaviour strange, he changed from mean to understanding, now he walks away again being careless, was he turning mean again. Hermione didn't want him to be horrible, she rather liked a caring Malfoy, someone to talk to. She walked back to sit under the tree, Cormac is busy talking to Seamus, so she sat next to him without disturbing their conversation.

She starts playing with the grass and stroking it, until she saw some white piece of parchment tangled in the long strands of grass. She grabed it before the wind makes it departure. She look curiuously at it, it has her name on. She opened it, and read it.

Dear Hermione

I don't know why, but you are the only thing that seems to be on my mind. You've changed me completely. For 6 years I  was horrible to you, and i am so sorry. My heart races when I see you, my heart beats so much when i talk to you, that i'm afraid you might hear it. You smile lights up my day, you laugh is music to my ears and soul. are my world

Love, You're Admirer

She couldn't believe it, if she'd already found out who wrote all these, why would they continue, Cormac said it was him, did he lie?

Hermione turning to face him. "Cormac" she called and he broke away from his discussion with Seamus. "Did you write this?" She asked. Cormac looked at the letter and said "No".

"So you lied? lied to me that it was you sending these?" Tears started to fall down her cheek. "No..No...i did, I did write them and this" He indicated the letter. "Fine, what was the first ever poem that you apparently sent me" She cried, she was lied to and betrayed.

Cormac looked scared, he didn't speak but looked in every direction hoping for a diversion. " You don't know do you? you didn't write, Your smile is what i want to see, your smile is all i need" She burst out saying. Cormac looked guilty, Hermione stood up and walked away, the letter still clutched in her hand, the tears were now uncontrollable. She was used, taken advatage of, something she tried to get away from, she asked for something simple. You be loved a apprieciated, but even the simplest things you ask for you never get.

 Hermione walked to the lake, she felt stupid she took Cormacs word for it. She lay by the lake and looked up at the clear sky, the tears still came. Draco saw her, saw how sad she was and walked over. He sat down beside, but she avoided him out of shame.

Hermione sat up, wiping her tears and fixing her hair. "Have you ever been lied to" She asked casually. "Not that i can remember" He told her truthfully. She said no more and continued to cry. Draco put his arm around her and pulled her into a close embrace while she buried her face into his chest...

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