







and the list goes on.. 

Ms Davis (the therapist) encouraged her to do sports because it's what she excelled in, what Alexis didn't know was that she was encouraged her to do sports because she thought the sports would tire her out and she'd have no energy left. That didn't work. Ms Davis was keen on her doing boxing because she thought it was a way of letting her get all her anger out on a punch bag (or someone who's geared up) rather than another student, not help her work on her punches. So that idea didn't work either.  

I don't think Ms Davis is a therapist anymore...

She's even good at 'feminine' activities, as mom called it. Mom didn't want her rough housing with the boys, so she made her take cooking and dressmaking classes. Which she was actually really good at. But she wasn't in those clubs for long. She got kicked out of dressmaking because she kept pocking people in the bum with pins and she got kicked out of cooking because of the food fights. She even practiced at home but made me take all the credit because she said she doesn't want mom to make her be even more girly. I can't lie and say I didn't like the attention though.

There was even a time when we were twelve and mom made her take ballet classes with me. Madam Claudia was shouting at me for knocking over her 'star student,' Layla, Alexis took the blame and said that that she pushed her. She was getting screamed at for fifteen minutes straight, while I cried in the corner like the pathetic wimp I am. Alexis didn't cry, shout or even talk back in her usual sarcastic tone. She simply waited until she was finished shouting, spat in her face, walked to the front desk and asked the lady behind the counter to call mom and tell her to pick her up.

In all fairness Madam Claudia deserved it, as harsh as it may sound. The things she was saying was rude, too rude. But now she picks on me more than everyone else. I told dad once and he had a word with her but she just said that I'm one of the best little ballerinas but I need to work harder so I can be the best. Madam Claudia has always been horrible, she says she's 'pushing us to reach our best potential.' 

Thinking of the old memories, like when Alexis tried to teach me how to throw a punch, bought a smile to my face but that smile was quickly wiped off my face when my body started to heat up. Again.  

My heart beat accelerated as my whole body felt as if it was on fire. I fell to the floor with a thud and my vision became so blurry I could hardly see the furniture in my room. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth, forbidding the scream to escape my lips. A small white thing came out of my mouth and fell on the floor. I guess I'm going to school with a chipped tooth tomorrow. I couldn't hold it in anymore I let out the painful scream that was full of hurt, anger, betrayal and sadness that I was trying to keep in. He was at it again. My mate was with another. 

My whole body was sweating. A puddle of sweat lay around me, but this was not the end. This was the beginning. I repeatedly felt like someone was pulling my heart roughly but never pulling so hard that it would rip out of my body so the pain will not end. I needed to scream, but I couldn't. I wanted to vomit, but I couldn't. I wanted to die, but I couldn't. I should've the overdose when I had the chance, at least if I died I would be at peace in doggy heaven.

I've screamed the word help so many times that I can't scream anymore. My wolf was whimpering and howling inside of me, shifting would only make this worse, I learnt that the hard way. My chest was heaving up and down as I tried to catch my breath.

"FOR FUCK SAKE!" Someone screamed. Whoever it was knelt beside me, stroking my hair, repeating 'it's going to be ok,' I knew it was going to be anything but ok.

"This happened to few people I knew at school. Tense all your muscles and don't stop until the pain has all gone." The voice continued.

I done as I was instructed and stayed like this for what felt like 1000 years, while the the person kept saying soothing words and stroked my hair. I opened my eyes, trying to blink away the tears. Everything was still blurry but I could make out Alexis in a giant white tee stroking my hair. She looked pissed with a capital P.

"Just let me shoot him in his left eye." 

"No." He's still my mate, despite what he's done to me, I'd forgive him in a second. Obviously it still hurts but I forgive him nonetheless,"you don't even own a gun." Why would she have a gun?

Her lips pursed in a thin line and she grimly nodded, "Your right, I don't own a gun. But say what you want, he isn't getting away with this. " I'm not happy with it. He's my mate and she's my sister. But I don't really want to disappoint my sister now do I?

"Come on then you can sleep in my bed tonight. By the way where the heck is mum and dad?" She asked.

"With their mates." At least they're happy, I reminded myself. Alexis' face went blank and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"You know I'm not going to live in the pack house right? If you go, I'll come and sleepover and stuff. But I don't want all these random wolves telling me what to do. I don't work like that. "  

"If your not going, I'm not going. Simple" I grinned and she grinned right back, showing me her pearly whites. 


We both got into our pajamas and were snuggled up under Alexis' bed cover, well I got into my pajamas and she got into some black jogging bottoms and a purple t shirt.

"Where's my uniform?" Alexis yawned.

"I put in in your closet; there's the blazer, shirt, tie, skirt, socks and shoes. The spare clothes are still in their packets in your drawers" I said sleepily.

"It's too cold to wear skirts."

"Girls aren't allowed trousers." 

"Fuck that, g'night babe"

"Good night Lexis" I laughed softly.

I heard her lightly snoring, while I stayed wide awake. I really did miss my sister. Hopefully she won't get into any trouble and get me into trouble. 


HI Wattpaders :)

Quick question, do you guys want more of Jazzie's POV of Alexis' POV in the future? 


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