Group #1

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Includes: Aries, Scorpio , Virgo, Gemini , Pisces

"Virgo wake up" Pisces shouted "What? Oh it's you Pisces.. Pisces nice costume your in fish season today?" Virgo laughed "What Costume silly?" Pisces chuckled "Okay nice prank your pulling me" Virgo grinned "Go look in the mirror" Pisces then looked into the mirror "Who is this fish starring right upon me" Pisces asked "That's you Silly Billy!!"Virgo shouted "WHAT HAPPENED?!"Pisces screamed , Pisces wore a blue skirt with curly hair and her skin colour was light blue! "Look at you too your dressed as.. Who are you supposed to be again?" Pisces chuckled " What do you mean I am just a average boy" Virgo laughed again "Ha! Let's go find the others.." Pisces began laughing all the way to the hallway.

A scream appeared at dorm number 5 "What's Aries and Scorpio up to now?!" Wondered Pisces "Oh my gosh" Virgo smiled "Is this a dream? Or what?" Aries shouted at the mirror Virgo was admiring his blonde hair and blue eyes "Hey? What are you doing mate help us!" Scorpio screamed , Scorpio also known as "Demon-Chan" to everyone else has red coloured hair with black eyes and a red shirt. "We better find the others If their alive" Scorpio smiled like a demon "Stop it.. Your making me scared" Pisces shivered.

The four others went to find the other signs until they stumble upon Gemini "Oh looking good!" Gemini smirked "Gemini?" Aries laughed "Yeah what?" Gemini blushed "Hehe look funny" Pisces chuckled quietly " Okay now we found Gemini , Aries , Scorpio" Virgo said " And me!" Pisces added " Next we have to find the others" Virgo smiled

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