My Dearest Mr. Holmes

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I had been driving for about ten minutes when I got the call. After a moment's consideration, I answered. "What is it, Gino?"

"Where the hell are you?" Ginoza demanded. "We're working a case, if you've forgotten." His tone was angry, but I could tell that I was on speaker, so I knew he wouldn't be too harsh in front of the others.

"Trust me, Ginoza," I told him grimly. "I haven't forgotten. What is it?"

This time it was Akane who spoke. "The mental hospital where Mariko was staying sent over surveillance footage. It shows the same man that Otori described visiting her on the same day we went over," she said. "I remembered you introduced me to a friend of yours that day."

I gritted my teeth and tried to speak without screaming. "Yeah, Ryder Harkness. Trust me, he's no friend of mine." Keeping my eyes on the road, I gripped the handles of the motorcycle tighter. "Let me guess: according to the Sybil System, he died about seven years ago and all his known relatives are deceased as well."

Someone sighed on the other end, presumably Ginoza. "You've already figured this whole thing out, haven't you?"

"Yeah." I smirked despite my own solemnity.

Several people chuckled followed by a few snorts of derision. "I'd forgotten how annoying you could be on a case." I chuckled and moved to hang up, but the ex-Inspector stopped me. "Ko, there's one more thing you should know."

His tone had changed from lighthearted to serious, and it concerned me. "What happened?" I demanded.

A long pause filled the line. I was half-tempted to check if the call had dropped when Akane spoke. "It's Otori. He died shortly after you left."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "But that's not possible. He was fine!"

"We're still waiting on the autopsy," Akane told me. "But the current presumed cause of death is poison." Once again, silence followed, but this one was filled with tense expectation.

I exhaled as the realization of Tsunemori's words came to me. "Mariko," I sighed. "You think she poisoned him somehow when she delivered the letter." I could still feel the letter burning a hole in my pocket. It remained unopened for the moment; I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle the contents.

The team's silence gave me my answer. "Okay then," I breathed out. "Get that autopsy report as soon as possible and send it to me. I'm going after Harkness and Mariko."

"Ko, you can't," protested Ginoza. "You don't even know where they are."

I sighed as I looked up at the Ministry of Welfare building. "I have an idea."

Ginoza sighed. "There's no talking you out of this is there?" I chuckled, giving him the answer he already knew. "Fine then," he acquiesced. "Just do me a favor and don't get yourself killed."

"No promises," I half-joked. "I'll see you guys soon." With that, I hung up and got off on the nearest exit. Parking at a nearby gas station, I pulled off my helmet. I took the letter out of my pocket with a sigh and ripped it open. I almost laughed out loud at her greeting:

My Dearest Mr. Holmes,

I suppose that at this point, an apology would be a bit unnecessary. I know that I have no right to ask you to forgive me, or at the very least, not hate me. Knowing this, I've come to terms with the fact that if we do ever see each other again, it will be as enemies. This is why I'm begging you, Shinya, don't come after us. Get out of Japan. Please just go and live your life as a Ghost. Forget about the rest of us and get yourself safe.

Even so, I know that even as you read this you're probably on your way to find me. I know that I can't stop you; I doubt anyone could. My only hope is that we're long gone by the time you arrive. I suppose this letter is my version of goodbye, then.

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