My stomach growls loudly at the thought of food, which sends Kitty into a fit of giggles.

"Sounds like you're also hungry," she says.

"Starving," I say. "Voodoo Doughnut is just up the road, or we could try-"

"No," Kitty interrupts me. "I want to see your restaurant."

"My parents' restaurant," I say.

"Whatever. Let's go there for lunch."

"Biblio only opens in the evening," I say, checking the time on my phone. "But the Night Owl should be opening up right about now."

I almost ask her if it would be ok for me to call my friends and invite them too. I haven't seen them in over a week, after all. But some small part of me says it's a better idea not to.

On the night with the snake, Kitty said something about Felix changing when he was a kid. He wasn't always so dark-hearted and sarcastic. It sounded like she was saying that something specific happened. Like a traumatic event of some sort. This could be my chance to find out more about Felix's past.

"The chocolate cake's legendary," I say. "Seriously, to die for."

"Perfect," says Kitty. "Lead the way."


The Night Owl is just waking up as we arrive. Out on the sidewalk, the new girl is setting up the chalkboard with today's specials as the coffee machines stir to life within. She looks up as we walk by and yawns a halfhearted greeting to me, probably out of obligation because I'm the boss's daughter.

The tables inside are already filling up. The Night Owl doesn't do a proper lunch menu - it's more like a deli or café vibe, with sandwiches and scones and cookies - but it's still a lunchtime favorite in the area. We find a table at the back of the café, tucked away in a cozy nook under the stairs. Then it dawns on me.

This is where I first saw Felix. He was sitting right here, at this table. This exact spot. Probably on this very chair, watching me play. On the night it all began.

I squirm uncomfortably in my seat and skim through the menu, even though I already know the whole selection off by heart.

Don't think about Felix. Don't think about how he pinned me to my bed, don't think about how close his face was, inches from my own. Think of anything else, but not Felix.

"So, what's going on with you and my brother?" Kitty says.

WTF she's a goddam mind reader. Dammit.

"Nothing," I say.

"Really?" Kitty says, narrowing her eyes at me. "I know he's... complicated. If you want to talk about anything, I'm all ears."

"Seriously, there's nothing going on between us," I say, raising my menu to cover my now violently red cheeks. Just the fact that anyone, especially Felix's own sister, could even suggest something like that - it's too much.

I'm not just a virgin - I'm an ultra-virgin. As inexperienced as it's possible to be. I'm the girl who's never dated a guy. I haven't even kissed a guy. I'm pretty sure that the incident with Felix on my bed the other night and Alastaire's constant flirting don't count. How could she even suggest that something might actually be going on? It's just embarrassing.

"Hey Ashling," a familiar voice says right behind me. "Long time no see."

I get such a fright I almost jump out of my chair. Turning around, it takes me a moment to recognize Jade. There's something different about him today. His normally loose dark blonde hair is tied up in a man bun, and instead of his usual paint-smudged vests or t-shirts, he's wearing a grey v-neck sweater. But that's not what's so different about him today. It's the look on his face.

Lullaby (The Fable Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now