5 years later. ☥

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5 years later......

Mariah Pov.

As I lay slumped on my bed reading my letter of exceptence to UCLA , a million thoughts flood my mind and I'm starting to doubt these big dreams of mine , It's just I really don't think I could fit & I don't wanna be an outcast anymore. So I decided to sleep on it.

I wake up to a text message.

Text convo.📲

Travie 😒🔫 : Good luck babe I heard about you getting accepted 😘👏

Me : fuck off.

Travie 😒🔫 : Please babe forgive me that was the past ... I love you

Me : nothing you say can change my mind

Travie 😒🔫 : just hear me out ... Please

Me : I'm listening ..

Travie 😒🔫 : I never meant to hurt you , you were my everything I miss what we had .. I miss you & I won't take no for answer I refuse to let someone as special as you walk out my life. That girl meant nothing idk what I was thinking . Please Riah , just give me another chance. 😩😓😔

Me : I can't . Bye

Travie : I'll never give up on you 😔 I love you Mariah ...good luck with everything .

End of convo.

Still Mariah's Pov.

I know I seem like bitch but no one understands how much Travie hurt me it takes alot for me to give my heart to a someone & trust me he had it , I was head over heels & when I fall for someone I fall hard. But he used me to get back at one of his exes , when i found out I was really hurt .. But me being the kinda of girl I am I don't do typical things any other girl would do I just bottled my emotions I didn't scream I didn't yell I didn't do anything ... I just broke up with him .

Weeks later me & Travie started to talk again ... I know what your thinking but they were just friendly convos ... And the following month we were back together I don't how he convinced me to take him back but I did , I felt so nieve right after we got back together cause he cheated again with the same girl who broke us up the first time -__- so I'm done guess he didn't love me like I loved him.

I started to pack cause I decided to go I need to get away from these people who hurt me and start all over. I rushed cause thinking about Travie & all that has happened It mad me cry. I can't take this. I went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror as tears rolled down my face & I shattered the mirror with the closest object to me

( a flat iron ) then I ran out and just laid on my bed bawling my eyes out. Then I grabbed my phone & earphones an started to listen to what now by Rihanna. I cried my self asleep

A/n - Mariah leaves for college tommorow night , she currently lives in New York.

Author //

I know it's short , sorry : ( I'm new to this but I'll update soon. Comment & Vote please.


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