Chapter Two

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/AN this is only roughly edited, so please point out mistakes!/

Chapter Two

The Truth

A groan made me jerk my head up , taking in all the people around me.  I realized that the person whom groaned was Jason. A strangled cry left my throat and I lurched forward, the constricting arms around me stopping me once again. He was alive!

“Sire?” one man asked, taking a hesitant step towards Jason.

“Leave him.” The man holding me growled, his chest rumbling against my back. That is when I realized that the man holding me back was McCartney. Anger built up inside me, but I shoved it aside. How will I get out of this? Finally I discarded my pride and I started to beg.

“Please, let me go to him, I’ll do anything.” I needed to know how badly he was hurt, I needed to know if he was going to make it…The man whom was holding the gun to Jason’s head smirked, rocking back on his heels. “Anything?” he questioned, making Jesse laugh from his position over by Joseph.

“No— Yes.” I finished, my gaze dropping. What they didn’t know though was that there was no way in hell that I was doing ‘that’.

“Well that’s right dandy.”  The same man chuckled low. The rest of the men nodded their heads in unison, grins cracking their features. How do I get out of this? A quick glance around told me that there were fifteen men. My eyes flickered around taking in their positions. The one talking was standing over Jason; McCartney behind me, Jesse standing not far off next to the silent Joseph. Then there were four men standing by a stand of trees with watchful expression visible on their faces.  Then there were random men scattered around standing watchful, or laughing at me. This was not looking up for me or us… Us!

I whipped around, my eyes blazing. What if they killed them? I know that there ruthless, but how ruthless? “Where are Fleur and Red?” I accused, glaring into the eyes of McCartney.

“Whom?” an eyebrow raised on his tanned face, and I realized what was going down just as it happened. A loud shot rang out making every man jump and turn.

“Drop your guns!” a loud voice rang out. I turned slowly, and was greeted by the sight of Fleur standing next to a posse of men— armed men. What did he get us into? The sound of a rifle hitting the ground from behind told me that McCartney dropped his gun. Throughout the turmoil we forgot that the posse was coming…

“Good man!” the sheriff standing next to Fleur praised sadistically. My mouth twisted up in a half smirk of dry amusement.

“What ‘bout the girl, sheriff?” a young man asked as he reined his horse in beside the sheriff. I stared for a minute at all the men. My guess would have been that there were around fifty men, but it was rather hard to tell seeing as almost all of them were mounted making it a twitching, gyrating mass of horseflesh.  From the looks of it, the sheriff deputized as many men as he could, without checking to see if they could handle their steeds which I assume they borrowed from the livery… all this I took in a matter of seconds.

“Treat her no different than them.” Not one of the deputies moved, and I smiled slowly. A laugh came from behind me and I knew that McCartney was finding amusement in this as well.

“Well it looks like we’re a little too scary for your deputies.”  Jesse drawled in mockingly as the deputies still didn’t move. The panicked look on the sheriff’s face was very entertaining for all of us. With horror and embarrassment he twisted around and started shouting at his deputies. Out of the corner of my eyes I caught sight of Red amidst the crowd of horses. Oh thank God, they didn’t hurt him… then I saw the gun in his hand. I tilted my head as I studied his movements.  He acted like he was going to— Just I figured out what he was doing, Red shot a man out of his saddle. The man fell fro his steed, the sound of his body hitting the ground quieting the sheriffs loud yelling. A uproar started, everyone looking for the killer of there fellow. I knew what he was doing… I turned around and started to run where the men were holding the horses, looking dumbstruck. I threw myself on the horse only to remember that Jason was still lying on the ground, unconscious or very possibly dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2011 ⏰

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