"Of course he's not, Harry's adorable."

I rolled my eyes at my mother. I felt sure he had used this "charm" on her. My fingers rubbed against my temples trying to get my head round the situation. I didn't know who I was angrier at, Harry for turning up uninvited or my Mum for letting him in.

"I made breakfast. Come on."

She took my hand and pulled me back to the kitchen where Harry was still sat. He grinned as I walked over to him and sat on the stool next to his. A gasp fell from my lips as Harry's warm hand ran up my thigh. I smacked it away, only for him to laugh quietly. I had a horrible feeling he enjoyed it when I fought back. My Mum was turned away from us as she concentrated on not burning the mixture in the pan.

"Mmmm." Harry hummed softly.

He began to lean into me but I placed my hand on his shoulder before he could get too close.

"Why are you here?" I whispered sharply.

"To see you." He smiled.

My touch withdrew from his warm body. I didn't like the way his eyes kept contact with mine. There had to be another reason why he had appeared, uninvited. My head dropped down, no longer being able to look at him. I jumped slightly as I felt his hand cup my chin and tilt it up to him again.

"I want to take you out tomorrow night." He spoke.

I shivered at his words, a statement rather than a question. My eyes widened as my Mum turned round with a smile on her face.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Oh, that would be lovely, wouldn't it, Bo?" She gushed.

Harry dropped his hand from my face to have it rest on my knee under the counter. I was about to object when my mother cut in again.

"She'd love that."

"Why didn't you just call me, why come here?" I asked frustrated.

"Because you would have said no." He whispered quietly.

"What makes you think I won't say no, now?" I asked harshly.

His eyes flicked over my Mum, who looked a little upset that I hadn't said yes straight away. I wasn't really that popular with boys and I could tell how happy she was that Harry had turned up on our doorstep. To her this was a dream come true, having an attractive guy ask her daughter out. For me, this was my worst nightmare. Not only had he given me a horrendous love bite, against my will, but he had also seen me in my underwear, all in the space of a couple of hours. And more to the point he scared the crap out of me. Before I knew what was happening, my Mum and Harry had arranged a time for him to pick me up the next evening. My mouth hung open as Harry smirked at me.

"Well, I've got to be off. Thanks for the pancakes Mrs Ellis."

"Call me Heather."

He smiled at her before stepping down from the stool. I was frozen as he leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Bo, walk him out." My Mum encouraged me quietly.

I huffed, jumping down with my mother ushering me out after him. The kitchen door swung closed, I was alone in the hallway with Harry. He didn't waste any time pushing me up against the wall. My eyes squeezed closed in a wince. His body pressed into mine, holding me in place. Both my wrists were trapped in one of his large hands. I saw him smirk as I tried my best to increase the distance between us, but he was too strong. His tall figure towering over me.

"Don't." I begged.

Harry ignored my protest, his fingers softly brushing over my cheek. My long hair was pushed away from my shoulder as he stared at the bruise he had inflicted on my skin, his mouth curling up into a smile.

"Looks good on you." He whispered into my ear.

I flinched as he pressed his lips to the mark on my neck. He was careful not to press too hard. I relaxed a little when he pulled away, hoping that would be the end of the torture and he would leave. But unfortunately that didn't happen. Harry remained close, his curly hair tickling my cheek as he planted another kiss to the spot where my jaw met my neck.

"You smell good." He breathily spoke.

He painfully, pinned my wrists to the wall before slowly grinding his hips into mine. I whimpered at the rough contact as Harry let out a throaty groan. My head fell forward onto his shoulder, I felt like my legs would give way any second. His chest rose and fell quickly as his breathing increased.

Before I knew it, Harry had released me. I turned my head to see him at the door.

"See you tomorrow night, Bo."

He winked at me and then he was gone. My head was spinning as I slumped down the wall to sit on the floor.

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