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Time to start a pet hotel! Here is the waiver:

Welcome to Luna Dove's Cat
Hotel! Cats here are treated like the rightful heirs to the earth, like they should be! Just sign at the bottom and your cat will be signed into cat paradise...
{Fine print}
Once you sign the line, you agree that I, Luna Dove, is the rightful owner to your cat. You may never get it back.
Great, right!?! Perfect way to get ahold of more cats for my army! Sadly, 14 of my cats died in the line of duty. They perished in the great cat and raccoon war. Many raccons also died and we won the war! Anyway, the hotel... The main cat construction manager is Skittles. He is a little jumpy though. That's part of the reason that his name is Skittles. I was going to name him Skitters, but Skittles sounds cuter.

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