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movie night:

Aries: Calum + The Conjuring + popcorn
Taurus: Michael + The Avengers + approximately 27 boxes of pizza
Gemini: Muke + Mean Girls + ice cream
Cancer: Luke + 10 Things I Hate About You + twizzlers
Leo: Calum + Monsters Inc. + chocolate
Virgo: Lashton + The Breakfast Club + Oreos
Libra: Cake + The Maze Runner + chips
Scorpio: Michael + The Notebook + too many snacks to count
Sagittarius: Ashton + Toy Story + home made cookies
Capricorn: Luke + Clueless + French fries
Aquarius: Mashton + Forest Gump + cake
Pisces: Calum + any James Bond movie + slushies

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