Chapter 1

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Chloe's P.O.V

Today is Monday, most of the teenage population will be curled up in a corner, crying as they have to enter their hell hole of a school. But I like Monday's. Monday is the only day I get to see Macy. Macy is my favourite nurse, but she's more of a friend to me. We normally sit on my bed and watch a movie while being pigs and snacking out on unhealthy food and become fat.

'Hey pumpkin' Macy said as she was entering the room.

'Heyy' I said getting a little too excited. Macy had her hair in French braids, the ombré of it made her hair look so beautiful.

'Any thoughts in coming to the wedding yet?' Macy is 25 and soon to be married to her boyfriend Ben. I've been invited to the wedding but I can't go. I'll stand out of the crowd and I'll have to drag my wheely thing around with me. Also its somewhere in Yorkshire as that's where she's from and i really don't wanna get on a plane alone.

'I'll face time you and I'll be there that way okay'

'No young lady. You're not letting the c word stop you from doing things! Also, do you know bens cousin?'

'The fit one that's my age?' I asked with a little giggle.

'Yeah, that one. Well he's going to be there and Ben told him and he's super excited to meet you.' Oh cool. Now I don't only have to worry about what people are going to say. But now I have to look my best because a really cute boy is going to be there.

'Could I bring Emily?' Emily is my best friend, I've known her since I was little. But we starts to get a little distance when I got put in the hospital.

'Well it says plus one on the invite' Macy says as she climbed into my bed and turned on the TV. I grabbed a load of candy, chocolate and soda from my bed side cupboard.

'What you want on?' Macy asked, she still has a strong English accent and I think its cute.

'Ha abou tangled?' I say trying to do my best Yorkshire accent. Macy laughs then grabbed the remote and searched for tangled on Netflix.

We sat there and just chilled for most of the day. My mom came for about an hour and I told her about the wedding and she said it was a great idea. But she had to leave to go to work as both my parents have to do extra hours to pay for my medication.

'Tint tin tin!' Macy says. Were playing a game to see who can get the most sayings of the others accent.

'I have no clue what that it.' I say pulling a face at Macy as the gets of my bed.

'Tint=isn't/tin=in/tin=tin. Its easy if you live in best place in the world.' She says giving me a cheesy smile as she starts to pick her bags up.

'No! L.A is best place to live. I mean you did move here' I say pulling my tongue out at her.

'I'll drop by on Friday and see if you're packed and I think jack will be with me to come see you.' She says while winking and starting to walk out the door.

'Wait! Who's Jack?' I say giving her a confused look.

'You know the fit one that's your age?' She says while walking out the door, giggling to herself.

As I sit there smiling to myself, I picked up my phone and text Emily.

Me: Hey b. Not talked in a while but wanna catch up? I need to talk to you about something. x

I get a reply almost straight away saying:

Emily : Hey babe. I know missed you so much and yeah of course. Wanna meet at Starbucks (cause we're basic white girl) can't wait! x

Me: Same. See you in half an hour. x

After that text I get myself dressed, put a little bit of makeup on then go to sign out at the hospital to tell them I'm going to meet a friend and I'll only be an hour.


So I actually updated :) hope you like it.

Shallow Love~j.gTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon