The start

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All I want is to find my mate. How hard is that? Could it get any harder? Whatever I'm tired of thinking about it. I search my room until I find my phone and text me best friend
Me- hey honey, what's up?
Bria- nothing really can I come over?
Me- yeah.

About twenty minutes later the front door flew open of course my idiot best friend did it. She didn't even bring a cute guy with her
"Where is the cute guys?" I question sarcastically
"Actually my brother's coming into town from collage to visit soon" she smirks knowing he's not my mate or we would have known it by now.

"Well your brother is cute but-" my train of thought interrupted by my wolf going completely crazy. 'Ella what's wrong?' I question my wolf. All she said was 'mate' I was a little confused because there's no one around I don't think.

"What's going on inside of that head of yours?" Bria asked me  "I don't know my wolf is just a little restless" I replied worried. "Well my brother will be here soon if that's ok?" "You know I love your brother he is like my own" I responded before she could say anything else.

We go lay down and watch movies, two hours later the door bell rings.
"I'll get it!" She yelled  "who is it Bri?" I yell at her. She walks back in with her brother "hey Caleb!" I yell hugging him "hey Cassie" he kisses my cheek. All I hear is a low growl and I look behind him to see the most amazing tall handsome man I have ever seen. All I hear in the back of my head is my wolf yelling 'mate' "MINE" he said lowly and made his way towards me.

"I'm Cassie" I say with a big smile on my face. "I'm Timithy" he said with a smirk. "You are so beautiful" he continued before I could say anything. "How old are you princess?" He asked. "I just turned sixteen last week, how old are you?" I questioned "I'm twenty-three" he responded with a big smile

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