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"IT'S OUTTA HERE!!!" The umpire shouted as my brother Trevor hit a homerun. Trevor stood there staring at the ball and then dropped his bat and jogged across the bases. When he reached home plate me, Lela, Todd, and the rest of Trevor's team stood there and hugged him and gave him high fives, congratulating him for hitting the winning homerun.

"Good job Trevor!" Todd standing in front of Trevor when the game was over.

"No prob." Trevor said giving Todd a fist bump.

"What time is it Lilo?" Todd asked me feeling a little antsy.

"Well its 7:43." I said looking at my cell phone clock. "We can make it!" I said racing to the large jeep full of surf boards. Trevor and Lela sat in front while Todd and I sat in back.

Trevor drove to the beach and we began to grab our boards. It was beginning to get dark and so Trevor took out some glow sticks and glow stick jewelry from the glove compartment in his jeep. "You keep glow sticks in your jeep?" Lela chuckled.

"I'm opened minded." Trevor said picking up his surf board.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I said as I put a lot of glow stick jewelry on.

"I don't know." Trevor said as he began walking to the beach. "Now let's go!"

"YEAH!!!!" Todd said chasing after Trevor. Lela and I looked at each other and then walked to the shore. There were towels and a lot of other people sitting on shore with boards and glow sticks and by some miracle I spotted Dani and Brad.

"Oh hey Lilo!" Dani said as I walked up to her and Brad with my board.

"You guys ready to go out and surf?" I said excited.

"Yeah, where's your bro? Thought he'd want to surf with you." Brad said getting up from his towel and he grabbed his surf board.

"I do!" Todd said as he crept behind me. I jumped and he giggled. I stared at him and began walking out to the ocean with him following behind me.

"So you a little nervous?" I asked Todd as we paddled out.

"Heck no!" Todd said splashing me with water.

"Hey we're here to surf, not splash water in each others faces!" I said splashing water at his face. "Oh do you feel that?" I said all of a sudden, feeling a big wave coming.

"Yeah." Todd said looking alert.

"Let's go!" I said and I paddled out again with Todd right behind me. We saw the wave and paddled hard. I stood up on my board first, and Todd did the same a split second later.

The wave was forming a tunnel, and I bent down low sticking the tips of my fingers in the wall of the tunnel of water. Todd was behind me and tried doing the same but struggled a little. As I exited the tunnel Todd did too, but he then lost footing and fell into the water.

I dived in after him and couldn't find him. I was worried he drowned and began to panic. I surfaced to get some air and called out his name. I was about to cry but then I heard a mocking voice.

"Hey Lilo!" Todd said as he was sitting on his board right behind me. I gave him a dirty look and went back on my board. Todd and I sat there for a minute and we stared at the stars. "Lilo, how long did it take you to perfect surfing through the tunnels?" Todd asked me.

"Well I was dedicated to surfing and practiced when ever I had the time. I'd say about a year." I said smiling. "I took surfing seriously."

"Oh, ok." Todd said disappointed. "I'll never perfect it!" He said splashing the water.

"Yes you will!" I said splashing him with water.

"Hey!" Todd shouted as he splashed me with water too. We kept splashing water at each other. I thought it was the best time of my life, but I was wrong. What seemed like the happiest time of my life would change in a second. It turned out to be the most horrific moment in my life. one minute Todd and I are just fooling around and the next minute I hear a deafening scream.

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