He smiled, "I missed you too even though it was even for that long."

He softly pecked my lips before he went back to cooking. I sat down in one of the chairs, looking over at him. He's so different from the guys I usually go for. He's a good kind of different. I'm happy I choose to be with him. He's already started treating me better than anyone else. I'm thankful for that. Especially now when I have so much I need to figure out. I know I'll get it all done. I do need to tell about about what all happened. I don't want to keep anything from him. He looked up from what he was doing and smirked a little bit before looking back. I can't help but smile a little bit. It's so hot seeing his smirk like that.

It didn't take him very long to finish cooking. I got up and grabbed us each something to drink as he put our food on plates before setting it down on the table. I moved over so I was sitting next to him. I softly pecked his lips, "Thank you for dinner, babe."

He smiled, "It's no problem, love. You've had enough going on."

I nodded as I started to eat. I can tell he wants to know what happened but it's almost like he's afraid to ask again. I am going to tell him though. He has nothing to worry about. We both remained quiet as we ate. It wasn't awkward or anything. It was peaceful. He finished before I did. He reached over intertwining our fingers. I finished before squeezing my hand and looking up at him, "I'm sure you want to know what all happened."

He nodded, "It's starting to drive me crazy a little bit."

I softly pecked his lips, "He wanted to know why I haven't been home. That's the whole reason why he came to the studio. He didn't believe me every time I said I did go home. That's when he smacked me. I started to cry when he grabbed onto my shorts basically saying how he wanted us to have sex. I wasn't going long with it. I told him to stop. That's when he got mad and said we were over."

"He ended it?"

I nodded, "I've tried to before but he would always do things to me to force me to stay. This was the first time he's said it."

He shook his head, moving some of my hair, "I'm so sorry you ever had to go through any of that."

"It's fine. All that matters is that I'm here with you now."

He smiled, softly pecking my lips, "I really like having you here with me. Since you and Adam aren't together anymore does that mean you get to move in here with me."

I looked at him a little confused. I never thought he would actually want me to move in with him already. We haven't even known each other that long let alone be dating long enough for that. I really don't want to rush everything with him. I do feel like it would be nice to live with him but it's still so soon. I don't want to ruin everything by rushing it. I like being with him. He makes me happier than I've been for a long time. I squeezed his hand, "I do like staying here with you but it's too soon to just move in with you. We haven't even been together for a month. I was thinking I could just find somewhere to rent then in a few months we can talk about moving in together."

He frowned and shook his head a little bit, "We've spent every night together since we've been together. The only reason you went home was because of Adam. Now we don't have a reason to be away from each other at night. Let's be honest even if you did go rent a place we would still be together every night. You can save that money for rent and use it for something else."

I know he's right. I'm sure we would be together every night. I love being able to sleep in his arms. He makes me feel safe. I know he won't let anything happen to me. It's just so early. I don't want to just force him into this. "Harry, I hope you don't feel like you have to do this."

"I don't. I would love to have you here. Honestly it's better having you here instead of being here by myself."

"What happens when we fight? We haven't even had out first fight yet."

"We'll figure it all out, love. I mean if it's bad enough I can leave."

I just shook my head, "I don't want you to do that. This is your house."

"Ashlyn, we're not even there yet. We're talking about something that might not even happen for awhile. You really don't need to worry about it. I don't want you to get stressed about everything."

He is right. Who knows when we'll even fight. Hopefully we handle it well otherwise I will be looking for somewhere else to live. I guess it is better if I don't do that now. I mean I do like being here with Harry. It sort of feels like home. It feels more like home than it ever did at Adam's. Maybe this is how things are supposed to be. I can't believe I'm even considering it already. We haven't known each other very long. I have so much baggage. It seems like we hardly know each other. I guessed his hand, "I don't know. I hardly know anything about you. I have so much going on. Are you sure you even want to deal with all that?"

He smiled, "Yes. I know you have a lot going on and I don't plan on going anywhere. You can't help it. We can sit down whenever you want and talk about whatever you want to know about me."

I nodded, "Can I think about this?"

He nodded, "Of course. I don't want to push you into this."

I smiled a little bit before moving over so that I was straddling him. He smirked a little bit as he placed his hands on my hips. Before he could say anything I gently pressed my lips against his. I love being able to just kiss him like this especially when he has his lip ring in. I never thought I would enjoy it but I do. A part of me hopes he never gets rid of it. I pulled away sooner than i wanted to but I don't want this to lead to anything else today. I do enjoy sex with him though. I softly pecked his lips before moving off of him, "I'm going to do the dishes."

"Thanks, babe."

I smiled a little bit as I picked up our plates before walking over to the sink. I feel like this is the least I can do. I could feel me looking at me as I did them. I don't really mind though. I was about done when I felt him wrap his arms around my waist. He kissed my cheek, "You're so beautiful, babe."

I can't help but smile. It's so nice being able to hear someone say that to me all the time. I don't feel like a piece of shit person anymore. I'm happy. I'm actually starting to feel like myself.

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