Middle School sucks

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Chapter One: Ridding the bus: Serious Suckatood.

I walk out of the band room; behind Zack, who carries my guitar. He smiles at me I reply with a shy smile back. I tense up for a second for impact as Camile runs up to me and crushes me in a bear hug, 45 minutes apart is a long time for her. I wave good-bye to my other friends and slowly climb the stairs onto the third bus: 0812. Driven by a non-English speaking (at convenient times) Ms. Maria its a long annoying ride. The three of us walk the narrow aisle Zack puts my guitar in the seat ahead of me and Camile and slides into seat 9 on the boys side. Camile throws her binder, folders, and clarinet into the same seat as my guitar and slams herself down into seat 9 on the girls side.

After re-arranging Camile's things, and once Zack's best friend Perry showed up, his things I sit down with Camile. We chat while the other three grades that ride 0812 get on.

Once the bus pulls out of the school parking lot Zack and Perry talk about their You-Tube channels and Camile babbles to me and I pretend to listen. When we pull off the high way we get to the first stop.

"Bye Zack," nodding he brushes past me on the narrow bus asile.

I lean back in the stiff blue plastic bus seat and plug into my music. Camile sits beside me babbling on and on about some weird thing that happened in chores. Perry sits across from me and wriggles around in his chair trying to get comfortable, I think. When he lies upside down, face to the aisle, feet against the window he sighs with a smile on his face and stares at the ceiling.

Sighing, I wait for the girl in the seat in front of me, Emily, to get off. After the usual ten minute wait she gets up in a hurry and leaves the death trap of a bus. Miss. Maria pulls over ten seconds later to yell at a sixth grader, Mathew, for spitting on her.

Quickly I get up and slide into seat 8, I push Camile and Perry's matching binders under my black guitar case (again) and slip on my yellow four H string bag. I look at the seat adjacent to me and see my neighbor humping the seat, while listening to rap. The boy is a pale faced 12 year old in a middle class family with heavily religious parents. If his mother or father saw what he did and said at school I swear he wouldn't be alive.

We pull into Fair Field and the seventh grade bitches run up tripping over the other kids feet. They yell about how they want to sleep with everyone and that they are 'total sluts'. I look back at Camile and we both pretend to gag. Laughing I slide back into my seat. One of the girls, De somethin or Le somethin something like that, looks at me and I give her the 'what you looking at hoe' look. She makes the stereotypical mean girl noise then practically skips down the aisle to her bus stop.

Austin, an annoying seventh grader who thinks he knows everything, looks at me and says, "What you looking at?!"

"An annoying douche who needs to turn his head around and mind his own fucking business." I say bluntly.

"What you just say to me hoe?"

I sigh and repeat my sentence to him. "Oh yeah who is gonna make me?!" He says cracking his knuckles like his going to do something, however he sits down when Camile stands up and says, "Oh, hell no. Sit your ass down." He slowly sinks back in his seat and I thank Camile. She nods and sits back down in her own seat.

I sit for another four minutes then stand up as the bus goes up a hill. I pick up my guitar say good bye to Perry, who nods, and Camile, who tries to give me another monster hug. I quickly slide out of my seat and brush past Jamonie, shares a seat with my neighbor. When the downward pull of the bus pulls me forward I hit a girl, who always gives me the stink eye and stole my bike four years ago, right in the head. I smile to myself as I continue to listen to Highway to Hell and quickly slide out the door. I hear, "That Abby is such a good girl, so nice." I laugh out loud at that and continue up my hill.

As I walk the short seventh grader who lives two houses up the street from me zips past, I hear the cheer leader five houses up the street complaining about the new coach and the 12 year old bus seat humper blasting his music to high heaven, it went a little like this: "I want to fuck ya, I want to do it till ya die, die die" It went on for a long time. When I went up my drive way I pick up the mail and go inside. My mom sits at the computer and asks, "How was your day?"

"Normal." I reply with a bored tone. I walk into the living room and turn on the T.V.

The End.

Author's Note: What were you expecting, something more interesting? Its my bus ride, every day for the past year. I mean come on its called Ridding the Bus: a short story for goodness sakes! Sorry if I didn't met to your expectations; I just needed to write something other than Fan Fiction or something like that took lots of thought. This is a true story, so yeah I could have added in the time that my bus driver tried to get us killed by driving into the middle of an intersection and then parking but that day is kind of hazy all I remember is my friend Camile yelling: WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! SHE IS TRYING TO KILL US! So I hope you enjoyed, thanks for listening to me rant about my story, now if you'll excuse me I have to do the dishes.

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