Chapter 2: Lifestyle

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Lau -

I successfully made it to the house without waking my son up. I got out of the car, and opened the door to pick him up. I opened the front door and locked it, kicking my shoes off in the process. Going upstairs and into my room, I changed him into his pajamas and laid him down in my bed.

I got some clothes and took a nice and hot shower due to the pain in my calves from walking all day long. It was worth it though. I made a whole new friend. Not to mention her beauty.

After my shower was over, I went in the living room and just relaxed just because I'm not sleepy. Suddenly, my phone started ringing, so I answered it without looking at the number. "Hello?" I heard some shuffling in the background, then a soft voice filled my ear. "Hey Lau it's Skylar." She sounded different than I remember. Is she tired? I would be too if I ran all the way home. "Hey belle. You sound tired. You sleepy?" I heard her giggle and clear her throat before talking. It was like music to my ears. I can easily get used to that. "I am sorta sleepy, but I decided to call you before I went to sleep." How sweet. I really love her attitude. She has this selflessness vibe that's very attractive to me. I love a woman who doesn't always put herself first. "Is very sweet of you belle. So uhh, you made it home safe I see. " She breathed out and shuffled around again. I wonder what she's doing. I hear it like every couple seconds. She must be getting comfortable.

Skylar -

I can't seem to get comfortable without laying on one of the many cuts I have from the encounter with my glass table. I don't want to make it so obvious that I'm not feeling well, but it's a challenge. I've experienced way worse than this, but as of now, this pain is working its way up the list. I just don't want him to know. At least not yet.

If by safe, he means on time, them yeah. I already hate lying to him, but I can't tell him. If Daryl even has the slightest idea about me conversations with another man, he has my head and I'm not taking that risk. Laurent has a child and I don't need either of them getting hurt or threatened because of something going on in my life.


"Yeah , I made it home safe. You?" Lau's relieved nothing bad happened to her. This city isn't so friendly on the streets at night. Especially when you're by yourself. "I'm happy you did, and oui I did. LJ is still sleeping in my room." The thought of his son sleeping soundlessly was heart warming. Even though his mother is far away, he still tries to satisfy his needs and some wants. LJ means everything to him. "That's nice," She paused to yawn. "Excuse me." Then she cleared her throat. Lau chuckled and bit his lip as her yawn sounded quite funny through the phone. She giggled as well and ended up sneezing. "So um ... What do you say we meet up tomorrow around 4 or 5?" It was silent for a few seconds then she spoke. He figured she was just thinking about it, so he didn't worry. "Sure how about 4:30. But I have to come back at 9:30 because I have to uhh... check on my brother. He's been sick and um... I can't be out too late. That's why I ran home so quick, it almost slipped my mind." Well that explains so much. If Larry was sick, he would do the same thing. Lau immediately assumes the love her brother has for her must be out of this world. She is so caring and cautious about others, always willing to do the right thing. Well at least that's what Laurent thinks.

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