The End.

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Rei's POV:

" Rei! Rei! " someone yelled.

I yawned and stretched. I looked around, only letting out a sigh. Why, why again?

I looked up at my elder brother and glared at him.

" I was having such a good dream, jerk. "

" I know, you were grinning like a total idiot. "

I rolled eyes and continued my everyday routine. I put on an adorable ruffle dress with a brown sweater on top, not fogetting to curl my hair. I put on my usual red lipstick and unique eye makeup, looked into the mirror and smiled. 1 more momth of school left, finally..

I ran downstairs, greeted my mother and ate as soon as I could. I was too afraid to stay at my apartment yesterday night do to the warnings of a tornado nearby, however, it was all a false alarm. I left home and noticed a big crowd..

"Huh? Why is there such a big cr-" I was interupted by being pushed to ground.

"O-Ouch," I said while gently massaging my hand

" PAY MORE ATTENTION! HOW DARE YO-" I was interupted once again. A tall male placed his hands over my mouth, he was wearing a face mask, a cap, and shades.

"Shh! They're going hear you!" He silently scolded me! This guy, who does we he think he is?! I might as well wait though..

He sighed.

"F-Finally..." He let go of my mouth and apologized.

I'm sorry! I was just hiding.. since it's my vacation and I wanted some peace..."

"Mhm!" I stood up and cleaned myself while looking at him. I gave him my hand as an offer to help,

"My name is Rei. Nice too meet you. Mhm."

I rolled my eyes.

"Why won't you stand up? My hands getting tired yanno."

"Sorry.." he apologized again while standing up.

"There's a restaurant near by. You might as well take me there, you know, as an apology," I looked at him.

" So what do you say? " I asked. He only nodded as a reply.

I took his hand in order to lead him to the restaurant..

That's when I came into realization; when the memories came back.. everything in this life can be fixed. And luckily for me, I'd be able to start all over. I could finally fix the error of becoming and idol and be able to marry MY Dongwoon, and continue being Hyunseung's friend.

Fame? Sure, I miss it, but I believe now.

I believe in the feelings that both Dongwoon and I contain in our heart; even if it's not fully developed yet.

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The end! So boring :'(. The reason I decided to end this story was because 1, it was too boring and I didn't want to bore you guys; 2, I want to finish The smile that started it all and a story I'm working on that's named Life isn't like a fairy tale. However, you will not read the last one until I'm completely done with it because I don't want to make you guys wait. Anyway, how was the story? Did you enjoy it, or pherpahs like/love it? Or was it too cheesy . Just left me now your opinion! Love you guys ♡

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