"If you want the pain to stop, just tell me where each and every military base and I will stop anytime!" he said starting the blow torch and heating up the screw driver.

"I will never sell out my country to you people!! I'd rather die then help you out!" she yelled

He places the red, hot screw driver to her arm and presses down as hard as he could. She screamed, wiggling and moving, she tried to get it off her skin but only making it worse. He finally took the screw driver off her skin and started to reheat it.

"I will never tell!" she yelled threw clenched teeth

One of the guards stood with a pair of pliers in front of her. Taking the pliers in one hand, he grabbed her hand and started to pull out each and every nail very slowly. The boss stood with a smile on his face as he watched.

"Such a stubborn girl. I don't like torturing you but you are leaving me no choice." he put the screw driver on the top of her hand and pressed. Then he did it to the other hand. "How about I get somebody else that might shine some light on this situation?" he said with anger in his voice

"Take her back to her cell, no food or water and bring me the other girl." he said to one of the guards

They untied her and pulled her to her feet. They unlocked the door and dragged her through it. Walking past her was another guard dragging a girl with them. She looks scared and worn out. As they walked by she recognized her.

"Sarah, whatever they want, whatever they do, don't tell them anything! Their just going to kill you! Stay strong, we will get out of this alive I promise!" she yelled kicking and screaming

They pushed her out of the room and back down the hallway. They opened the cell door and threw her in it. She jumped to her feet and ran for the door but was to slow and they slammed it close. Looking at the door she collapsed to her knees. What was she trying to prove? She wasn't like her father, she wasn't built tough but she also wasn't a traitor to her country either. How much more could she handled before they broke her? She looked at her hands and collapsed all the way down to her butt, then she broke down. Nobody was going to save them because they where someplace they shouldn't have been. Her father warned her that the country was in chaos and if they were in trouble they couldn't help because they had their own war.

"I'm sorry father. You were right, I should have listened to you!" she said pushing herself back into her corner.

~Day 2~

As she laid there in the dark, she wondered what was happening on the other side of the world. Was it a beautiful day or just cloudy and rainy? If she ever got out of here alive, she was going to enjoy everyday. She sat up on her butt and her head started to spin! She must have loss more blood then she thought. She was about to get up when the door to her cell opened. In walks two guards and drag her to her feet. They walk out the door and down the hallway again. Stopping in front of the door at the end of the hallway, they knock before entering. As they enter the room, she noticed Sarah was hanging up by her wrist. They pushed her to the same chair as before and tied her up. Pushing it to face the girl then they stood behind her chair and waited.

"Sarah, are you alive? Say something, anything!" she said looking at Sarah

She didn't move a muscle but only grunted. Relieved washed through her but now a new fear took over her.

"Sarah, I'm so sorry for everything that has happened and what is about to happen! I promise one way or another we both will get back home alive!" she said looking pissed

Before she could say another word, the door opens and in walks the boss and a stranger behind them is a guard pushing a cart full of things.

"My name is Slaughter and welcome to your nightmare!" said the stranger

He is a old guy and walks with a limp and looks like he hasn't but on any weight. He limbers over to the cart and messes with the knives and then to the wire cutters. Picking them up, he walks back over to the boss and waits for the order.

"I've decided to change tactics on you. If you won't tell me when your being tortured, maybe you'll talk if your friend is be tortured." he said with a evil smile, "Slaughter you may begin."

Slaughter walks over to one of the chairs and picks it up. Taking it over to Sarah, he climbs on top and pulls one of her fingers loose. Placing the cutter on the bottom knuckle, he pulls them it tight, cutting the finger right off. Sarah let out a dead awful scream.

"I will keep letting slaughter cut off her fingers until you tell me everything you know or she dies from blood loss either way you will tell me!" he said looking at slaughter and nodding

"NO!!! Leave her alone! I told you the truth! I don't know anything!" she yelled trying to get out of the chair

Slaughter moves the cutter to the next finger, placing it in the same spot, he pulled. She let out another scream wiggling and squirming. All that movement knocked Slaughter off the chair and on to is ass. Pissed off, he decides to change weapons to the small knives. Picking up one of her foot, he puts the knife on the bottom of her foot. Starting in the middle, he cuts a one inch long cut across her foot. Deep enough to cause excruciating pain but not enough to bleed to death. Again and again he slices her foot, laughing each time she screams.

"Enough! Now tell me where they are hiding!" he yelled getting in her face

"Like I told you before we don't know where they are stationed at, we are nothing but medics!" she yelled back

"Do the other foot Slaughter!" he said turning around

Slaughter moved the knife to the other foot and did the same thing. Screaming and wiggling Sarah tried to get free but failed. Slaughter was having the time of his life cutting and watching her fight.

""Leave her alone! Whatever anybody has told you it isn't true! We don't know anything!" she tried to yell through the tears

"Some how I don't believe you!! You know something and I want to know what!! Now start on the belly maybe that will get her to spill!!" he said walking to Sarah

Slaughter was about to start on the belly when a big, bright, blast blow off the door and right in to slaughter and the boss throwing both of them into the wall. Blinded by the light and sound, she couldn't imagine what was happening only that it was a miracle if they were here to save them. She felt strong hands lift her head, then cut off the ropes. Then they helped her to her feet, trying not to fall in the process, from lack of energy and blood loss. She didn't know if they were enemy or friends but she wasn't taking any chances and was going to fight them off.

"Ma'am, we are United States Marines. We are here to rescue you and your colleges!" said the strangers voice, "Please come with us!"

She looked into the mans green eyes and trusted him. He puts her arm over his shoulder and helped her out the door. Stepping slowly and carefully, they walked through the hallway and turn down a different hallway. They reached the door and walked out into the cold, crisped night. He stopped and set her down on the ground. She could barely hear the sound of choppers over the sound of her heart beat. Blackness started to take control.

"Stay with me ma'am, your all most safe!" said the stranger standing her line of sight

That was the last thing she heard before she completely blacked out.

**Author notes**

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