Chapter 19 - Magic In The Air

Start from the beginning

"H-how did you know that?" she questions, eyes wide and welling with tears. Her mother and father run over to her worriedly, Charming sending a glare my way.

My own eyes widen at all this strange information that was just appearing out of no where. There was no explanation for it, I just spoke of it like I'd known it my entire life.

"Peter, we need to leave" I speak swiftly, my voice filled with fear.

I turn around in one quick movement, reaching to take a hold of Peters hand. I sigh in content when I feel my world overcloud with smoke, but the relaxing feeling is soon brought away when my mind is filled with realisation.

This isn't the same foggy, green smoke that would whisk me away when Peter casted it.

It was thick, red, sweet scented smoke that filled my lungs and kept my breathing at ease better than any oxygen. This smoke belonged to me.


"You mean to tell me that I've had magic before I even set foot on this island and you never told me?!" I yell at the sad-eyed piper angrily, making him nod his head and sigh.

"Look, Scarlett. I'll explain everything to you later, but for now I want you to know that I have done everything in my power to keep your powers at ease. You have strong magic within you Scar, I was just hoping I'd have more time to explain it to you"  he sighs deeply, fiddling with his thumbs.

We where both sat at the edge of camp. It was late, I wouldn't be surprised if the sun came up within the next hour or so. He'd tried everything in his power to explain things to me, I just didn't want to listen. I'm not sure why I'm so angry, I just wish he told me.

"Well we have time. So explain" I growl, crossing my arms and fixing my posture. I really needed to work out more often, I could feel my back muscles weakening.

"I can't explain everything to you now, but I'll explain the small things I guess..." he trails, seeming very nervous about whatever he was going to say. My eyes soften slightly when I realise how upset he is. I am a bad person for pressuring him, aren't I?

"Your mother used to live on this island. Her name was Wendy" he sighed, still messing with his thumbs and wearing an awkward frown.

"I'd like to say many good things about her, but there's not much good to say. She was a horrible fighter, as stubborn as a mule and refused to do anything fun. All she wanted was off this island and away to get married, have kids and live what she called a 'normal life'"  he sighs, chuckling at the start of his sentence, but ending in a serious tone.

My mouth turns into a small frown at the mention of my mother. I wasn't offended by what he said about her, I was just upset that I was what kept her from the fun that was this island. All she wanted was a happy life but instead she got me and a shxtty husband. Not to mention I would have loved to put up with her stubbornness.

"Your mother was many things, but not many where associated with good. She liked to start trouble, but she would cry if you poked her. She liked to yell threats, but coward back whenever someone threatened her. Don't get me wrong, she was an amazing person to have around. She just never had a sense of adventure" he chuckled, staring at the ground in thought. I could tell he was pulling at sensitive memories, ones he didn't want to think of.

"This was back when it was just me and Felix. I guess I was desperate for more company and tried everything in my power to keep your mother, but she was having none of it. Till I made a deal with her" he sighed, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. Guilt washed over at me when I saw the pained expression on his face.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to" I sigh, my voice cracking. He shakes his head, not saying another word as he continues his story.

"I gave her magic, she stayed on the island for another year and helped me retrieve young boys from every corner of the globe. Anyone who had a horrifying past could come here and live the good life. So she agreed as I told her she could leave and live a normal life after the year went by"

I couldn't tell where the story was going, it all seemed like a jumbled up mess.

"The year went by and I had a good few boys on the island. But when I made the deal with your mother, I forgot to mention one little rule. I had to take the magic off her once the year had ended. She fought endless battles, wars after wars, years after years. She wasted so much of her life trying to win both her freedom and freedom to use magic"

"At some point she lost and was banished from the island to another land. I never knew where she went, I just know that she gave birth to you there and that all of her magic was passed on to you" he sighed, rubbing gently at the corner of his eyes and his temples.

He looked like he may cry, so I dropped my head onto his shoulder and snuggled further into his neck. He lay his head gently on mine as we sat in silence for a few minutes. I hadn't even realised I was crying till now. My mother was never the person I though she was.

"You where brought to this island the same reason as anyone else. And I promise to you Scar, I will make you feel more love and affection than anyone who has ever walked the earth. Your mother may not have been the greatest person, but she definitely gave birth to one of the purest souls and I thank her for that. You have powerful magic Scarlett, it's my job to teach you how to use it" he continues, planting a sloppy kiss on my forehead.

And we sat like that for hours. There was no exchanging of words or even sad glances. We just melted into each other warmth as I took in everything I was just told.

'I may have dark magic, but I'm going to make sure I use it for good'



So that's only the start of the story about Wendy (Scar's mother might I add :0)! There's so much more to come and a lot of explaining, as well as a lot more answers.

You will find out about Oscars whereabouts in the next chapter, but for now here is a filler that is also crucial to the plot :3

Keep being you,

^song of the chapter^

- Peter - Daughter -

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