"come back to the base where these guys work and I will share with you!"

"why would I do that?"

"because I coulod lead you to Deckard Shaw!" Dom couldn't throw this opportunity away and left with Mr Nobody.

They went back to Mr Nobody's base and Do was told about Ramsey, no one knows Ramsey but Dom was keen on getting hold of them to get Gods Eye and find Shaw,

"I rounded up your team!" Mr Nobody said and the whole team except Letty walked out, they all spoke on how they could get Ramsey and Tej had an idea. Mr Nobody walked away from the table to allow the team to work,

"Dom, now your team is complete!" Dom didn't turn straight away, he turned when Brian told him to and he turned to see Letty standing there. They walked towards each other, Letty grabbed Dom and pulled him in tight,

"I went to the house, it scared the shit out of me." Letty said hugging him tighter. She saw the chain on Dom's neck, and another image appeared in her mind,

'I love you and I will always love you!' she herd Dom's voice again,

'you ride, I ride' it was her voice this time, Do took her out of her thoughts,

"you sure you can do this?" he asked,

" yeah, Han was my family too!" Letty said,

"lets do it!" Dom said walking towards the gang and he felt Letty's hand grab his and squeeze it tightly before loosning her grip. Dom looked at her and they smiled to eachother.

"right, lets get it started then guys," Dom explained what cars he wanted combined,

"I want the demon love child between that and that!" Dom said pointing to two cars,

"that's a lot of armour, it will just way you down. Slow you down!"

"this time it aint just about being fast!" Dom said smiling and the whole team got to work.

Dom helped Letty on her car, he noticed she was a little off so he decided to metion it,

"hey, whats up with you? And don't say nothin' because I can see it inyou something is wrong!" Dom said pulling her away from the car and taking her to a seat,

"honestly, Dom I'm fine completely fine!" Letty states but he still doesn't believe her, the one thing Letty didn't know was Dom could read her like a book even if she couldn't remember anything he could still see right through her.

"why don't I believe you, cummon Let its me we can tell each other anything you know that!" Dom said grabbing her hands in his,

"I'm just a little off today, I'm just tierd!" she said smiling then going to walk away, Dom grabbed her arm and pulled her back and hugged her tightly, they separated and went back to the car. Dom was still so in love with her it almost killed him, every time he saw her his heart beats got faster and faster then if he felt her touch on him his heart would skip a beat. He stopped working on the car and sat down for awhile not taking his eyes off Letty, Dom was joined on the bench by Brian

"you still love her, don't you?" Brian said turning to Dom, he didn't say anything or move her was in his own world staring at Letty's every move, Brian waved his hand in front of Dom's eyes making him snap out of his thoughts.

"what?" Dom said turning to Brian,

"I can see it in you, we all can!"

"see what Brian, what?"

"your still in lo.." Dom cut Brian off,

"of course I am still in love with her Brian, she has been the love of my life since I can remember there isn't one day when I don't think of her," Letty overheard and walked over but so Dom didn't know she just wanted t listen to him, "When I herd Mia's voice over the phone, I couldn't believe what she had said I almost died standing there, Letty is and always has been special she isn't like anyone else I know, she is just simply Letty the one girl in the whole world that I fell for!" Letty turned back to the car so Dom didn't know she was listening but kept her ears open to hear everything, "I need her, at the minute all I need to do is give her some space and leave her be to do what she has to!" Dom said still looking at Brian, he just walked away and continued on the car Brian sat there watching Dom and Letty fix the car. He just wished Letty would remember something to show something, for Dom's sake.

The team continued to work for a few more days and soon the time had come to put their plan into action, They all drove their cars onto a plane and soon it was time for take off. They all sat together chatting before the pilot said through the radio its almost time to get off the plane, everyone got in their cars and to mess with Roman's head they all said good luck because they knew he was scared, everyone buckled up and soon it was time to go.

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