Chapter 12: I Get Detention...For the 73 Time...

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Gym was boring...we just ran around the track. I sat next to Odd during lunch, since we're dating now...I don't think anyone else noticed though.

"I've decided to send you to sector 5 today." Jeremie said. I nodded. It would be interesting to see sector 5. Sissi stopped by our table, most likely to insult me.

"So, I heard you two are lovebirds now, hmm?" She said, looking at me and Odd. I instinctively got up, this time I pretended to look threatening.

"So what? You have something against it?" I said. She got a surprised look on her face.

"" She said, then she sat down with Herve and Nikolas. I sat back down. Ulrich and Odd nearly choked they were laughing so hard.

"You two? Dating? That's just hilarious!" Ulrich said. Odd stopped laughing. I slapped Ulrich across the face. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"We ARE dating, you idiot." I said. Odd started laughing again. I slapped him too, but less hard. At least he shut up. "And you need to stop being shy about it!"

"Ok, ok...sorry..." He said.

"O'Neil!" I heard Jim say. "What's the big idea, slapping everyone around you?"


"Go to the principle's office right now!"

"So much for sector five..." I muttered as I walked to the principle's office.

Code Lyoko: A New Warrior (Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt