"I'm Not Gonna Sleep In A Coffin, Am I?"

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Switching to first person point of view from here on!! :) 

I couldn't believe he talked to me like that! Wait until 'Dad' hears about that! Should I even tell him? Well, he was pretty cute.. And there was only a four year age difference.. This could work.

His hot breath was on my neck instantly. "That's the spirit babe.." His husky voice spoke softly into my ear. I pushed him off and put in my earbuds. Marina and the Diamonds was playing... 'How to Be A Heartbreaker' to be exact. I smirked before turning to face him.

"You know, Nathan, I could take a lesson from Marina and the Diamonds... How to be a heartbreaker.." I said, stepping a bit closer.

Nathan's quick hands slid my phone from my hands. "Or.. Maybe a lesson from One Direction.. Sure, we're rivals, but the song speaks my intentions." He pressed play. 'Rock Me'... A song about sex on a beach. Nice. That's pleasant Nathan. "At least it isn't a golf course." He winked and changed the song. 'Locked Out Of Heaven'

Nathan began to sing along.. His voice captivated me.

"Can't I just stay here... Spend the rest of my days here?" He pulled me closer and gently kissed my cheek. I quickly changed the song and hurried away before he could see the blush creeping up on my cheeks.

I ran down the halls, nearly running into Jay, er.. I mean, Dad.

"Whoa there Liz! Be careful!" He laughed, his canines glistening.

I smiled. "Um.. Jay? Dad? Could you show me my room? I'm a little tired." I tried to play up the lie by yawning a bit.

Jay nodded and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "I know you're not tired, I'll show you to your room so Nathan won't bother you. And one last thing, if you aren't comfortable with calling me Dad yet, I have no problem with you calling me Jay."

I smiled gratefully as he led me to my bedroom. We talked and laughed, and made fun of Nathan's tight trousers when he stopped in front of what was presumably my room.

"I'm not gonna sleep in a coffin, am I?" I asked, looking up at Jay.

He laughed his infectious chuckle, shaking his head. "That's just something you humans made up. We sleep in beds like you guys do." I laughed, feeling incredibly stupid for asking such a question. Jay opened my door to reveal a huge room. It was painted a neon shade of purple and had four large windows that looked out over the London skyline. A queen-sized bed sat in the middle of the room, pushed up against one wall. Two closets were filled with clothes that were the perfect size. Dressers were overflowing with more clothes, the tops of them filled with different perfumes and candles. A dock for my phone sat on a table beside my bed.

I turned to face Jay with possibly the biggest smile on my face. I ran to him and hugged him.

"Oh my god! How'd you know my size?" I asked, hugging him tightly.

Jay smiled and hugged me back. "Our house maids did a little sizing.."

House maids? I didn't see any house maids...

"Oh, you don't see them.. They're ghosts." Jay replied, reading my thoughts.

Of course they had ghost servants! How much weirder could this place get?!

"Not much." Jay said with a smile, before kissing the top of my head and leaving me to be alone.

I wandered around my room, devising a plan to get back at Nathan for being a creep. I put my phone on the dock and let the first song play. 'How To Be A Heartbreaker' was playing again, and I listened closely to the lyrics, deciding to use them to my advantage.

"Rule number one,

is that you've gotta have fun.

But baby when you're done,

You've gotta be the first to run

"Rule number two,

 Just don't get attached to

 Somebody you could lose

So l-lemme tell you 

"This is how to be a heartbreaker..." 

I zoned out for a while before falling asleep, humming the first few lines...

Rule number one is that you gotta have fun....


Hiya! So, I won't be home for a week next week, so I'm uploading the next two chapters today. Could we get five votes, five comments on each for the next upload when I get home? :)

My Adopted Dad Is A Vampire In A Boy Band (ON HOLD FOR A WHILE)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat