Chapter Two: Class

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I open my perfectly organized locker. I grab my book and binder for my first class, math. I grab a book for silent reading, my pencil pouch, and a notebook then I head down the hall phone in hand, checking the time and slipping my phone into my blazer pocket.
I look at my feet, avoiding all the stares. My fingers tapping on my Geometry book.
I slide my books into the basket beneath my desk. I grab a mechanical pencil, a pen with black ink, and a white block eraser.
I check the time, half an hour. I have enough time to read. I pull out Bram Stokers Dracula. A classic book and its actually not that bad. I prefer classic literature over what ever the people in my age group are even reading.
I pull out my phone and check the time, the class should be starting here real soon. The class has been slowly filling up, the seats around me have students in them now. Today we change seats, but I really like mine because I'm used to it.
We move seats. I reluctantly get up and move to mine, its in the back row. Today the people I would sit beside are absent, which is a good thing.
I never speak out of turn, everything must have order.
Anyways the class was extremely easy.

I Set My Clocks Early//PeterickUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum