"Mom, I don't know what to do. He won't stop crying." I panicked and paced the room.

"Nora, calm down." She said. I couldn't. I had just became a few days ago and calm wasn't in my vocabulary. I began breathing in and out, my heart felt like it was going to damn near burst out of my chest.

"Will you hold him?" I started to cry frustrated tears. "MOM. Help me."

"Leonora." She said firmly, "He is your son. He knows when you are afraid, it makes him afraid. Be sure of yourself honey."

More tears came down my face, "Mommy, I can't. Please. He doesn't like me. You are so good with kids. I'm not."

She simply shook her head, Kenny still wailed in my arms. I had tried everything. Binkie, food, blanket, rocking, everything. But nothing soothed him.

"Sit down." My mother instructed. I sat in the rocking chair in the corner of the room. Kenny continued crying.

"Support his head a little more." I did. "Rock him slowly and steady."

I looked up at my mother, panic still in my eyes. She smiled as she handed me his binkie. I took a deep breath and put it in his mouth. The crying ceased.

"Hum a little. It will help him. He's use to hearing your voice."

"Mom, I can't do this. Please."

"Just try. Nora, come on. Do you want to get him to sleep?"

I nodded, my heart still raced. Pull it together, Nora. You can do this, hopefully. But he was so small and breakable. I cleared the thoughts out of my head and I began to hum, When I Look At You by Miley Cyrus. The only song I had been listening to for weeks now.

I closed my eyes as I rocked and hummed. My heart slowly started to settle. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes Kenny was asleep in my arms.

"I did it." I spoke softly, looking up at my mom. She smiled, "I'm proud of you. Come let's put him in his crib."

I shook my head. "Honey, he won't wake up."

"I want him a little l-longer."

"I'm so proud of you. And he will be too."

"Mummy?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you more." I planted another kiss on his head.

. . .

I was cleaning up dinner when Niall came in. "Wow it looks great in here."

"Kenny couldn't wait." I made a smile. Niall sat his gym bag down and came over to me.

I continued to work on cleaning. I wanted to ask him if I had done something but I wouldn't. No matter how much I really wanted to.

"How was the gym?" I asked.

"It was good. Definitely helping me for tomorrow's game." He stretched.

I clenched my jaw and onto the pan. Don't do it, Nora.

"What's going on? Are you okay." He asked.

I closed my eyes, then I brushed past him and put the pan in the kitchen. "Did I do something?" He continued.

"I dunno. Did you? Did I?" I responded. "You've been so distant lately ever since the hospital."

Wings of an Angel ||niall horan|| حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن