who do you think you are!?!?

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hey guys I love to write but this will be the first time I actually upload my writing for people to read so please comment and

don't be scared to criticize.

i redid some of the writing and made it longer sorry if you dont like it.


chapter 1

(Ash's POV)

she was just standing there, looking at me from across the lunch room. Shifting from one foot to the other I watched her track my every move. I pulled me lip in between I'm teeth debating whether I should go over and talk to her or walk the other direction. I watched as her eyes changed from their light brown to gold then back. My breath caught in my throat as I realized that she was another were there's been a lot lately, well since they came out to the human population.

She started to walk towards me, my body started to shake and I felt the need to run so I did. I took off running past people that started to stand some trying to grab me as I ran past. I flew out of the double doors and to the tree I climb when I need quiet time. I herd the doors slam open and the sound of glass shattering. getting my hands on the tree I started to climb getting to the highest branch I could I sat and stared down at the new girl.

I did something I'm known for and stuck out my tongue at her and laughed as I swing my feet back and forth. looking towards the doors leading to the lunch room my laughing was cut short as I saw people coming out all of them had golden eyes and they started to circle the tree bowing their heads and showing their necks as they past the new girl. Her eyes never left me as I watched people circle the tree.

"No Fair!" I shouted," Ya'll are cheaters. there's only one of me and........" I started to count I hand myself upside down to count the people behind me. sitting back up I continued " twenty of ya'll"

"who said anything about fair mate" said the new girl.

"I'm not your mate so ya can shoo now" I said as I made a go away motion with me hands. upon hearing the tardy bell I started to panic "late, I'm late I'm never late." I started to hyper ventilate and swing myself down.

landing on my feet i started to run towards the wall of people with my hands out infront of me, only to be grabbed around the waist and thrown over someone's shoulder. kicking my feet i yell "excuse me, i dont appreciate butt in my face!" i heard chuckles as i was carried away. as i looked up i started to stuggle because we were heading away from the school not towards it. "put me down" i shouted" i need to get to class im already late as it is."

"can you be any louder" she said over her shoulder.

"this loud enough for you miss i take who ever i want without a care" i shreaked as i pounded her back with my fists trying to wiggle out of her grasp. i started to hyper ventilate as flash backs started to make their way into my head, all of which ended with me being dropped on my head.

"Luna she's hyper ventilating" wispered someone i couldnt see from my posistion.

"i'm aware of that," she growled, but she didnt stop or try to calm me down.

remembering what my mom said i crossed my arms at my wrists and took deep breaths in through my nose, out of my mouth until my breathing was calm. then i started wiggling again pushing on her shoulder blades and kicking my feet.

"my goddes your a lot of trouble for being so small," she mumbled, " you need to eat more," she added louderfor me to hear. i gasped and slapped the only thing i could he ass.

"i do not! i eat twelve times a day sometimes even more than that. im hypoglycemic, i cant eat junk food or candy." i yelled.

" you will pay for slapping me," she said "now explain what hypo-what ever you said is so i understand."

"you mean dumb it down for ya?" i said " sure thing" i got alot of chuckles and laughs desgised as coughs from the people following us, but the laughing and coughing stopped once she growled in irritation.

"hypo-gly-cemic slow enough for ya" i said smiling to myself.

"careful mate you're already in trouble dont piss me off love." she growled before nipping my thigh, i jerked and gasped she bit me! i cant believe she bit me!

"hypoglycemic is where my body eats up sugar to fast so i cant eat candy i get very tired and sometimes pass out if i dont counter balance the sugar with protien."

"you still need to eat more" she said over her shoulder.

"WHAT! i do NOT!" i shriek close to her ear she jerked her body and dropped to the ground. dropping me in the prosses, laughing like a mad scientist i took off running. only to be tackled from behind sheilding my face my palms and elbows were scrapped.

"that was just mean little rabbit," she growled in my ear before she picked me up and swung me back over her shoulder.

"this is a disgrace!" i yelled pounding on her back.

my movement became sluggish and my vision started to blur. I tried to tell her that I needed to eat but it came out jumbled and I couldn't even hear myself as my body went limp before I blacked out.


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