Chapter 24 Willie

Start from the beginning

I smirked "I like left overs." Bella paled.

Edward grinned, knowing we were just teasing "Sorry I don't believe I have enough to spare,"

I scoffed, " You always hog the food" Bella stiffened.

"Actually," Jasper said, smiling despite himself as he walked closer into the room, "Alice says there's going to be a real storm tonight and Emmett wants to play ball. Are you game?"

Hmmm, baseball. My favorite. Emmett and I are always the competitive ones. He cant stand that I beat him last time, well my team did, he says "We cheated" how can you cheat in baseball?  Edwards eyes lit up, but he hesitated.

"of course you should bring Bella," Alice chirped.

Yeah and while your at it bring a pony! I thought sarcastically. My nerves were on edge, and the reason was, was because of the nomads. Jasper could barely stand the sent. What do you think would happen, when she's in the rain . . . . in the open. . outside. Than again its Eight against three, and Alice would see if something would happen.

Edward looked at Bella, "Do you want to go?" His face lit up like a virgin guy finally seeing a hooker. Priceless.

"Sure," Bella smiled "Um, where are we going?"

Really? Where playing baseball. We will be going outside. . . in the clearing.

"We have to wait for thunder to play ball - you'll see why," Edward promised.

"Will I need an umbrella?" Bella asked.

The four of us laughed. Really? She was asking about an umbrella when Edward was taking his normal girlfriend to a family/ vampire baseball game? she is a strange one.

"Will she?" Jasper asked.

"No," of course she was positive. "The storm will hit over town. It should be dry enough in the clearing."

"Good then" I said enthusiastically.

Alice bounded out the door. "Lets go see if Carlisle will come"

I raised an eyebrow, She's asking us???

"Like you don't know," Jasper teased. He went after her, leaving me with the two love birds.

"Well. . . . . . bye " I waved and walked out closing the door inconspicuously. "Alice, Jasper wait up!" They both chuckled. The three of us went up to dads library. Jasper knocked twice.

"Come in" Alice opened the door. Dad sat behind his mahogany desk with an open book, Placing a book mark in the book so he wont lose his spot. I swear I could imagine him with glasses and being a counselor for married couples or a Dentist. Ha! A vampire working on teeth. Dad stood up. "What can I do for you?"

I sat down in a chair next to the desk "Alice saw a thunderstorm would you like to come with us?"

He smiled down at me, "Of course. "

Alice clapped and looked at me. She had this glint in her eyes, I don't really like were this is going, "Emily! We can wear matching outfits! " I knew I didn't like were this was going!

I clapped and smiled, mimicking her, "No"

She pouted, "Please Em, "

I shook my head, I was not going to budge. "No"






Aw! Not the full name. "Ugh I'm not going to win this fight am I?"

She smelled an easy victory, "Nope" Popping the 'P'.

"Fine. " I got up and looked back at Jasper and Dad, who had small smiles on their faces. " If I don't survive." I gulped, getting into character. " Take care of Willie for me"

"Willie?" Jasper asked confused. Wow! an empath confused.

Breaking out of character. "My car" I said in a 'duh' tone "Jeez people keep up." I went into Alice and Jasper's room. Alice was waiting in her walk in closet, with all her make-up. "You do realize that its baseball, not a fashion show?"

She glared at me, "Emily Lily Rose! You will sit in this chair! And you will let me put make-up on you! And you will like it!"

I blinked. "Okay don't get red on me tinker-bell." I reluctantly sat down and waited for hell to find me.

An hour and a lot of complaints later, we finally finished. My make-up was light but it brightened my eyes. We both had ball caps on with the letter 'C' on them. We both had matching baseball outfits . I must say we look HOT! Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie came in. Emmett was rubbing his hands together mysteriously . Jasper had a small smile on his face. Rosalie was. . . . . well Rosalie. I rolled my eyes at her.

Emmett smirked and walked over to me. "Ready to be beat little sister?"

"Ha! My team will run circles around yours"

"The only reason why you won was because of Edward."

I smirked." You keep telling yourself that Gigantor. We get Edward."

He glared "No. . . . Rock, Paper, Scissors?"

Really? " Emmett - "

"One, two, three, shoot!"  He looked at my hands. My hands were down. I wasn't playing this game. "Ah-HA I won."

"You didn't win, I wasn't playing." He's a lunatic.

"Well lets play now!"

"Okay." I covered his hands with one of mine, "Paper covers rock I win." I walked out, and went downstairs.

"Emily! you didn't win you cheated." Emmett called after me. I smirked in victory. I got Edward.

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