Chapter 1

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April's (AJ Lee) POV
I was backstage reading over my script. I have been feuding with Paige for the title for a couple of months since i've returned. The schedule was weird tonight, and I was confused. I would be partners with the Shield now, while Paige joins The Authority. Great.
I heard a knock on the door and told them to come in. It was Paige.
"Hey, Pumpkin" she said. "Did you read the script? It's so cool! The fans are gonna go crazy!"
"I have to be partners with the shield!" I rolled my eyes.
"Oh cheer up, how bad can it be?" she said in her British accent. Paige was right. It couldn't be so bad, besides its for the fans. "Now get dressed, we're on in twenty"
"Get outta here then, weirdo. Im not gonna change in front of you."
"GROSSS!" we both teased and laughed. I kicked her out and got into my ring attire. Shorts, Love Bites shirt, Converse, and my Divas title.
Dean's POV
I read over the script with the guys. I was interested. I always took a liking into April, I was into her crazy ways. I don't think i would ever tell her. Besides, she hates me. It was now time for her match and I waited to come out.
AJ's match
April's POV
My theme blasted through the arena as there was a mixture of cheers and boos coming from the crowd. I skipped to the ring, and did my entrance. Title on my shoulders. Paige came out and mocked my skipping, I sat on the rope ignoring it.
Our match began and it went back and forth. I dominated, Paige dominated. There were "This is awesome" chants coming from the crowd.
I locked Paige in the Blackwidow, and she had no choice but to tap out. Thats when The Shields theme hit;
The Shield
The guys came out with microphones. They made their made to the ring through the crowd, and hopped over the barricade. They got in the ring.
"Aj, Aj... Aj," Dean started.
"Dean" I smirked
"Ladies and gentleman, we would like to welcome our newest member of The Shield, AJ Lee" said Seth.
The crowd went wild! We all put our fist out as Roman yelled, "Believe that!"
The celebration didnt last long, and the Authorities theme hit.
They circled around the ring with microphones also.
"Hold up, this isn't fair now. We need to make this fair!" Randy said.
"Paige, how would you like to join The Authority?" said Triple H.
Paige followed the script and skipped around The shield and myself, mocking me. She took my mic. "I would love to join" she smiled at me.
I got angry, getting ready to attack Paige when Dean stepped in front of me. Our segment was over and we all went our separate ways backstage.
I was in my locker room and Paige barged in.
"Hey! Learn to knock," I teased.
"Whatever, grumpy pants! Anyways, Crumpet, that was amazing! The crowd loved it. And did you see the way Dean looked at you?" she elbowed me.
I rolled my eyes and laughed. I didn't notice that he was looking at me.
Hey guys! Here's chapter one. I hope you guys enjoyed it, if it was boring i promise it will get better. A new chapter will be up tomorrow. Thanks for reading and I hope you guys enjoy my story. 💖😘

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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