No Longer Alone

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"You aren't moving nearly enough for this game."

"I'm pretty sure these aren't the rules of ping pong."

"Oh hush, they totally are," Zelda said as she tossed the ball at him.

He hit it back to her with the paddle, and then when she hit it back again it went and hit the ceiling. Link rolled his eyes when he successfully hit it to the table. "You do know that-" he started but then the ball came back and hit him in the chest. "-that's not how you're supposed to play."

"This is more fun!" she insisted.

Link chuckled and tossed the ball behind him. "You wore me out with this game. Let's play Foosball," he suggested.

Zelda laughed. "Alright, you're on." She moved over from the ping pong table. She took her position and dropped the ball in.

"You've sure got a lot of games here."

"Not like there's anyone here to play them with me."

There was a loud clunk as the ball went into the goal. "Well, now I'm here to beat you in them."

"Oh shut up, you," Zelda said as she hunched over the table and narrowed her eyes.

Five minutes later and Link had been true to his word, and had beaten her cleanly. Five more minutes and he'd done it again. Zelda scowled. "Why are you so good at this?"

"Maybe you just don't play this often enough."

She rolled her eyes. "Ah, whatever," she said as she walked away and plopped onto the couch. "So I never get to practice. So what," she sighed as she curled up in the corner of the couch and covered her face with a pillow.

Link smiled. "I guess I should have gone easy on you then," he said as he sat down in the corner and leaned back against her with a convenient stretch.

"Oh no you don't," Zelda said as she hit him with the pillow that was previously hiding her face. "I won't accept that and you know it."

Link turned around and leaned against the pillow, trapping her in the corner of the couch. "That's why I didn't."

Zelda's lip twitched. "Of course," she said, and then she pushed sharply, making Link fall backward against the couch which let her escape. She stood up on the back of it and hopped to the counter. "Are you hungry yet?"

"We ate breakfast an hour ago," Link said, amusement in his voice from her action.

"You hungry yet?" she repeated with a smile.

He rolled his eyes and smiled too. "Yeah."


"You are having way too much fun with that," Link commented in amusement.

Zelda smiled. "Anything wrong with that?" she asked as she flung another spaghetti noodle onto the ceiling with her fork.

Link smirked. "No, but I hope you're not going to leave it to one of the staff to clean up."

She rolled her eyes as another noodle went flying. "You wound me. I'll clean it up when I'm done; it's not like it's covered in sauce."

"You really have been alone way too much."

"I'm way more fun like this, even you'd have to admit it."

Link smiled, leaning his head against his hand." You're fun both ways."


Frisbee was always fun, right? They had been playing for about twenty minutes already out in the field.

"You're surprisingly good Zel. Who taught you those throws?"

Zelda snorted. "You're so full of it. You taught me."

Link smirked. "Oh? I did a good job, didn't I?" he said as he threw it underhand, and it shot towards her.

She ran after it, caught it, turned around, and planting her left foot in front of her as she thrust her arm down in a hammer throw. It floated down right into his hands upside down and she smirked. "I guess so."

He smiled and threw it normally, but it went straight over her head.

She turned to run after it, but then her feet slipped out from under her and she tumbled down.

"Zel!" Link yelled as he saw her vanish from the hill. "Zelda!" He ran over and looked for her, only to see her on her side at the bottom.

"Ow..." Zelda hissed.

Link ran down to her side and helped her up. "Are you okay??"

"I landed on those rocks..." she hissed, the pain from her side throbbing as she moved.

Link gritted his teeth. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to throw it so high."

"It's not your fault...I'm just too graceful for this world to handle."

Link smiled slightly. If she could joke like that then she was alright, mostly. Then his eyes zeroed in on the torn fabric of her shirt.

"Are you really alright, Zel?"

"Fall just came early."

"Zel, really."

"I'll be fine... you're way too serious."

I Wish; Zelink, Modern (The Legend Of Zelda) Where stories live. Discover now