"Hey, thanks for giving me a ride. My mum is still at work, so i've been trying to find one all morning." He explained as he climbed into the back seat.

"Don't sweat it." I told him. " What time did she start?"

"Nine, last night." He replied as I drove to our destination.

"Shit, they got her working around the clock." Wyatt piped up.

"Fuck yeah." Luca exclaimed. "Oh and thanks for the over night Aiden, it helped alot."

Wyatt gave a confused look, then began to question. "What happened the other night?"


"Mind your business." I cut Luca off. I didn't want him to know anything about the shit I do. It was bad enough he knew about the drugs side of things. If he found out about the other, I would've failed in protecting him. I needed to protect him from it.

"On a different subject. Why do you need to go school so early? Our school don't start until half 8." I  said, hoping it would stop Wyatt from pushing on the subject.

"The new principle wants to speak with me. He told me to be there at exactly 8:30." He answered.

I pulled up at the parking lot, then switched the engine off. I turned my head and faced Luca, who sat there confused.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I raised my voice.

"What? What did I do?" He panicked.

"It's only a five minute drive. I could've ate my breakfast if I knew we didn't have to leave early." I groaned and my stomach rumbled. "Get out."

"What? Why?" Luca asked.

"Both of you." I told them. "I'm going to get McDonald's, and you guys can't be late. So out."

They wined and groaned that they wanted to come too. But then finally realized I wasn't taking them and got out the car. Then I instantly drove off.


Violet's P.O.V

  I arrived at my new school on time and noticed Aiden's little brother standing in the car park. I hadn't seen Wyatt since the day I got shipped of for boarding school. He still looked the same as when he was a child, just a more grown up version. His hair was slightly lighter than Aidens, as it's always been.  As I got closes to him, I noticed he had the same blue eye's. Which he had inherited from his father. Unlike Aiden, who was his mother all over. The only thing Aiden had gotten from his father was his height, which Wyatt had also got.

"Hey." I said as I stood in front of the two boys.

"Hi...Who're yo-" He cut himself off. "Violet?"

"Yes?" I replied with a smile.

Without another word, he took me into his embrace and squeezed me. The young boy who stood next to him also hugged me. Which I recognized to be Luca. It was hard to tell who he was at first, considering how much his features had changed. They both looked so grown up from the little kids I remembered. It was difficult to register how much had changed in the time I had been gone.

"I can't believe you're back." He said with a disbelieving expression.

"Well I am." I chuckled as I looked up at him.

The both of the towered over me because of their height. It was unbelievable how much they had grown. They both must have been bordering on 6ft now, whereas I was only 5'5. Therefore I was like a midget to them.

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