Megan starts walking to the door and she gently puts her ear next to it, kinda like trying to hear what people are saying at the other side. That nosy chic. She then slowly steps back, and after a few more seconds, she opens the door. Now where does she think she's going?

* * *

   Greg and some of the guys were talking outside the hall, which is close to my room. I could definitely hear them well. This is a police station, not an apartment with noisy people living on either side. I could definitely guess what they're planning after overhearing their little discussion.

   That stupid doll that I can't help but admire, he had a little fight with Mike before he even killed him. They found a bit of his hair at the kitchen and blood too. They said it seemed suspicious because most Mike's blood was just around the dining area where he was tied. No blood trails were found, and they thought, why not examine it. And these cops found the result all in all with the strands of red-orange hair.

But Greg discussed with the others that this was confidential and shouldn't be exposed anywhere else. Obviously, they don't want to look like fools investigating on a killer doll. Who wouldn't think that sounds awfully stupid, right? I did, but not anymore.

He then tells them to start finding Chucky. Any trails or suspicion from any citizen, they'll track him down. And Greg's planning to tell their head in the police department so they can start a search. I can't let that happen. That's why, I'm using my skills, the thing I do best.

I slowly open the door and look around, making sure no one was around. Realizing the coast was clear enough for me to sneak into Greg's office. Luckily, it's just a few rooms away. No one will ever know I left my room.

* * *

   What's this? Prettyface is sneaking out, huh? But where can she be headed to. Luckily, I am faster than her, with the fact that I'm too small and I can just slide into almost anything. I see her turn right, which indicates she's going to the right hall. I quickly move and watch every window I pass, making sure I see where she goes. Then I realize, she's going to Greg's office. I better go see this.

   I stand near the edge and watch Greg standing next to his desk, studying a file on it. He drinks on his cup, enjoying every second of it. But the door creak makes him turn around. He sees Meg by the door and he puts his cup down. A smile appears on his face. I swear, I want to rip that off him and put it upside down.

   Megan closes the door behind her and slowly takes steps closer, a smirk on her face, like she's loving their alone time. She traces her fingertip along the wall and her eyes fixed at Greg the fag. He steps closer, it's like he's saying something but I can't hear it. I struggle to open the window but it's no use.

   I push the window open, focusing my eyes on it, wishing it would just open a crack. A few more doll strength and I opened it, but the second I lay my eyes on both of them, I see a change of pace. 

"I can make your death look like an accident." she says, 

Greg disapproves, "I'll never put this case out." 

   Instead of an answer, Megan makes a back kick making Greg fall on his desk. He tries to stand up but she starts choking him from behind, her arms locked around his neck professionally, like she's done this before. He starts choking and they both fall on the floor, her knees smoothly kneeling while the other supports Greg's back.

   Megan's smirk doesn't leave her lips, until she turns him over and pounds her fist on his chest where his heart is as her other hand covers his mouth, just in case he attempts to shout. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Prettyface just kicked Greg the fag's ass. She leaves him on the floor, her eyes staring at him.

   Any minute now, she'll be running back to her room or else the other cops will catch her in act. But I bet she already knows that. I quickly move my way back to the her room's window.

* * *

   My hands starts shaking after my first encounter with a cop, it was too intense for me. But I did it, I killed a man with my bare hands. And it felt so good, it felt good to be back. I run back to my room and quickly close the door and take the file on the desk.

   Footsteps start ringing in my ears as I run to the bed and pretend that I'm studying the file. I even start pouring tears out to make my eyes look glassy and weary for thinking too much about this case. Then, a minute later, I hear the siren of an ambulance alarming each and everyone in the station. I ready myself.

   One of Greg's co-officer budged in with his eyes wide and his breath heavier than mine. He looks at me as I look back at him. "What's wrong?" I ask him.

He steps in, "Are you alright?!" he asks me and I nod as a response.

   I stand up, "What happened? What's happening?" I ask again with a scared manner, and he puts both his hands over my shoulder. He gives me a 'hate-to-break-it-to-you' look and breathes deeply before saying anything, "It's Greg." he starts. "He's dead."

I pretend to weaken my knees, like I was too shocked, "No." I mumble and he wraps his arm around me for support. "H-How?"

"We found him on the floor, dead. It was a heart attack." he says and looks at the file on the bed. "I'm sorry."

"But, what about the case? How are you supposed to finish it now?" I ask him. Tell me you're cancelling it and forgetting about it like every other case needed to be justified.

He shakes his head, "We'll talk about it later." he says, "Greg never wanted to spill this one out for everyone. So, I didn't really know much about it." he takes his hands off me and gestures to reach for the file.

I quickly made a move, "No." I say and grab the file hiding it with my arms, "Don't. You don't have to anymore." I tell him, "This case, it rests with Greg. Nothing would've happened anyway. He told me this case was heading to a dead end."

He gasps and winces, "Oh no. I am so sorry. But we'll make sure we get to do something about it-"

"You don't have to." I protest with a stern voice, "I choose to move on instead of pushing this any further." This officer's a foolish amateur. No wonder Greg kept him close to him, to teach him more, but too bad, he's dead.

The man nods and chooses to leave me alone, convinced with the show I just put up. Well that was easier than kicking his butt. I couldn't really let them know Charles was behind it, because if they do, I'll be in trouble if Chucky turns me over too and says I helped him. But I didn't even want to spill the truth anyway.

There's no other way. This is the path I've already chosen and there's no backing out.

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