5.9 - Live 2. The Show

Beginne am Anfang

They fade when the chorus ends, giving a few seconds for a short bridge. I put my hands on my chest and sing the next verse:

I pray you'll learn to trust
Have faith in both of us
And keep room in your heart for two...

Today I'm an unnamed alien from a planet where everyone is nothing but a pillar of light and conscience. I'm pure magic, I'm far beyond human, and I sound distant and transcendent...

If God has a master plan
That only he understands
I hope that's your eyes he's seeing through

... But I'm beautiful in my absolution. And here you can see my core - I raise my arms up, revealing a little white sun, projected on my dress, in which you recognize a heart that beats to the rhythm of the music.
The last chorus begins:

Things get damaged,
Things get broken...

And on, to the end. I close my eyes and listen to the last chords of the outro. I feel surprisingly relaxed, almost serene. So strange.

The performance is not yet over when the audience cheers loudly. They don't rise up, though. But it's Mika who's standing, and soon Garou, throwing a curious gaze at him, joins his colleague.
- Experimenting, challenging and amazing, it's Alice Fontaine, madames and messieurs, - Nikos draws a conclusion, stepping back on the stage, and, once approached, looks down upon me now sitting on the floor:
- Need help again?
And what could be my answer? Of course I stand up myself, miraculously not being tangled in my skirt.
- All I need is for Mika to say that I nailed it, - I dare to reply, and make my way off the stage. Penniman purses his lips and throws his hands in the air, showing his confusion.
- I'm not sure I know, - he declares hoarsing a bit, and rubs his chin thoughtfully, - I can't say it was one of your best performances, really. The effects were too distracting, at some point I even had to close my eyes to focus on your voice. Besides, you missed in several important places and completely forgot about the technique.
- Oh no, - I mumble, suddenly losing all my confidence. It's like I'm at the Blinds again, - I'm so sorry I failed you!
- But I didn't say it was a disaster! - Mika tries to soothe me, - I had to point at your mistakes, but generally, it wasn't that bad! Just not the best, as I said. Because despite all those nuances I did enjoy it. There was something in it, something... Captivating, maybe.
- Captivating! - Jenifer catches up, - That was the word I was trying to find! I didn't know you had that in you, Alice.
- Had what? - Nikos asks. Bartoli shrugs.
- Charisma, I suppose. This little magic that makes people want to listen.
- It's just that she could fully focus on singing this time, - Florent comments, - I saw that in her during the Knockouts. When she isolates from the world, it comes easier, am I right?
- Yeah.
- Garou! - the host turns to the last coach, - You seemed to be pleased with the performance.
- It would be strange if I wasn't! I'm more pleased with this girl, though, - Pierre Garand chuckles, - She always pulls out something interesting, and I bet she doesn't really know how she does it.
- I object! - I shout cheerfully, as my courage returns with their nice words, - I had it under control this time!
- Which still lets you underestimate yourself, judging by your always-surprised face during our commentary, - he laughs, and I blush. He's right, it's still weird, although I'm quickly getting addicted to it. For too long I heard something completely opposite, and now I'm holding on to every compliment I receive.
- And don't forget the person who made the visuals, he deserves to be known, - I add when I see that Nikos is about to finish, and one of the cameras turn to the front row of the audience, giving the creative producer a close-up.
- Luck Castel, madames and messieurs! - I copy the host's intonation, and the audience catch my enthusiasm with a cheerful round of applause.
- To vote for Alice, send a message on a short number 5836 with a code 4! - the last thing Nikos says, and my presence on TV is over for now.


I can finally find my way up the terrace, where I plop on the couch and turn into a little puddle of jelly. Turns out, I was, in fact, nervous, but these feelings were kinda running in the background, still draining my energy, and once I let myself go, fatigue knocked me down like a heavyweight boxer.
- No, no, no, a pool of Alice jelly is no good! - Gaspard makes a creepily lucky guess again, sitting on the floor next to me. I don't even have enough power to look up at him, and he knows it, so he goes on without asking my permission:
- If you make it to the stage and be the audience favourite tonight, I promise I'll get you a good-looking crutch. And supply you with drinks every show. No, every day, if you wish! We sugar addicted creatures need every gram of it to survive in such a hostile environment like show business, right, especially now that your monster leg seems to take away all your power.
His tirade works. At least I make a very lazy attempt to joke:
- Is this some kind of flirting? - and for some reason get him really confused.
- What?! - he gasps, but a moment later gets it, - No, of course not, you silly! I just provide you with some motivation to get up.
- Meh, - I roll on the other side, away from him, - There's still three more Mika talents to go.
- Yep, and the next of them is me, so I leave you be for now. Enjoy, this is your favourite song.
- Break a leg! - I shout blatantly.
- Oh God no! - I hear as a reply.


But when he starts singing, I sigh and sit up, then crawl to the porch to watch. Suffering can wait, I have to see Wizard's performance, because yeah, I love this song (it's Arctic Monkeys, come on!), and furthermore, I hear that he's really on top today. Sassy, self-confident and not even trying to impress - I think it's the best state he can be.
And he switches his sight to me as soon as I appear in his field of view. Like he's singing to me, kinda creepy. So I make goofy faces and make his life harder, for everyone knows you can't sing while doing two things: crying and laughing.
- If he's kicked out because of that, you'll get it, - Flori warns, approaching me. I wave her away:
- He'll be fine. In fact, he would be fine even he performed sick and voiceless. Girls seem to like him, you can't take it away.
- Including you?
- Including me. Why not?
Gaspard flashes me a typically Italian and most likely offensive gesture just before the song ends. Flori chuckles.
- And I think it's mutual.
I hear Mika praise his performance, and other coaches agree with him. The audience clearly cheers for him louder than anyone I heard so far.
- The problem is, - Flori says quietly, - If it's going to be you and him at the Semi-finals, what will you do?
I ponder it for a second. Despite my obvious fear to lose and get back to my old life, I feel surprisingly reckless about my future, even though I'm fully aware the Semi-Finals is next week.
- I guess I'll have it figured out by then, - I shrug, - That's not my concern now.
Flori just shakes her head. But what can I do if I don't even know if I'm going to be here next time!

Although this becomes clear the moment I check the social networks. They say my show was astonishing! Castel has made a great job, it was beautiful, from what I see in the screenshots. So when Gaspard joins us on the terrace and we listen to the last two of the team talents (remember Adel and Max, the steampunk Mika? They're still here!), I'm almost sure I'll be among the favourites tonight.
- Make sure the crutch is classy, - I tell Wizard when we go down the stairs to the stage for the voting results. He chuckles and promises me to find something that Mika himself would use.
But this time, karma decides that it's too much. Nikos announces that the winner of the public vote is... Gaspard.
- You'll be fine, - Wizard assures me, tapping my shoulder at last, and leaves. Now it's Adel, Max and I on stage. Not again!
The worst rule they could come up with - make a coach choose just one talent out of three. And it's hard for them even when it's two!
- You've gone a long path since the Blinds, - Mika says. I see by his frustration that we're all were valuable talents in his team. He sighs, - I won't take long, I'll just say what I think right away. Adel...

My heart stops. No way.

- ...Max...I'll miss you. But your journey ends here. Tonight I choose Alice.
I mumble something confused in Adel's shoulder as he puts me in a hug. I already started thinking it was over.
- Two steps away, what a shame, - I hear him whisper in my mother tongue, - Well, and I guess I should thank you for making me choose Mika. Keep going, kid.

I leave before everyone else. I shamelessly use my trauma as an excuse to skip La Suite again and head to the dorm.
Before I get in the bed, I receive a text message.
It's Mika:
<Great performance tonight! (I know I said that, but who cares, you were splendid) No coaching tomorrow, get some rest and be ready. Next week will be HELL!

I read his words with a big smile. Another week in Wonderland, I guess...

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