"Papá, you seem troubled?"

I bit my lip till I drew blood when he didn't answer. Instead, he sighed deeply, his hands rubbing against his face as he inhaled a deep breath. "Princessa, I must tell you some news...and I am not sure how you will take it."

I said nothing and he continued. "You are a strong women. Just like your mamá and I have raised you to be." He rose from his leather chair and rounded the desk. Moving towards the shelves that hovered against the wall, his eyes settled on a picture of me, when I was just a girl.

At the ripe age of nine, I hung from my fathers shoulders, a toothy grin upon my lips. My father took me sailing that day and I would always remember it to be one of the best days of my life. The fact he stared at it so intently caused my instincts to kick in, fearing what now may have to say.

"Do you happen to remember Damien? The Fernandez boy?" He asked me, his back still facing me, until he turned when I gave him no answer. All the emotion in his eyes had vanished as he paused, waiting for my reply.   

Eyeing him warningly, I answered. "Yes. I met him when we were just children." I told him, still not understanding the reason for his sudden mention in the conversation we were still yet to have.

"Well, Alexia, you are to-..."

"Papá..." Shooting up to my feet, I moved swiftly towards him. "What is it? You're scaring me."

"You are to marry him in. Two weeks from tomorrow." My world had stopped as I took in his words. 

My breath become short and heavy. My heart began to pound against my chest and my body was frozen. I couldn't move.

"W-hat?" I choked out as I placed a hand against my forehead, as my eyes were shut tightly as I hoped and prayed that this was all just a dream that I was going to wake up from any minute.

This was all too much to handle at once and the fact that I had to marry him in such short notice? That was unacceptable.

"Why?" I sneered furiously.

"Princessa, it was an arrangement to join our two families together! It was set from the moment you were born." My eyes widened in shock at his words.

"You- you- I cannot believe this bullshit." Shifting from one foot to another, I pointed a finger at my father.

"How dare you- I am your only daughter for gods sake. I cannot begin to fathom how you managed to sign my whole life away with one single signature. Was that all I am to you and this family- a guarantee for the safety of your business?" Watching my father raise his eyebrows at my venom laced words, he mirrored my actions, all sorrow and pity gone from his aged face.

"Do not forget who you are talking to, Alexia. I am your father and I demand respect. This is all for your safety, not just the businesses. You will marry Damien and you will learn to adjust to the life that you are soon to become acquainted with." Seeing my father this angry only had a feeling of shame stir within me but just like him, I was far too stubborn to apologise for my actions.

"Fine, have it your way. Just know that I am very angry with you papá." Storming out of his office, my feet carried me through the mansion, towards the stairs.

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