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I took my anti-psychotics in front of Evelyn this morning. She smiled and told me she'd take a bath as soon as we both had eaten breakfast. I could already feel the medication working. I had neglected to take the anti-depressants. I did this on purpose. I wanted to feel it.

I sat on the couch and flicked the tv on. I blankly stared at the television screen, wondering what object in the room would give me the quickest way out of this hell hole of a life. Evelyn disappeared into our room and I heard the bath start running.

I wanted to run faster than the water coming out of the faucet away from this apartment. Could I pack my bags fast enough without her noticing and just start a new life somewhere far away from here? Would I have enough time to strangle Sean before I left town?

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" Evelyn's scream pierced my thoughts. I jumped up and raced to the bathroom.

"What?!" I yelled as I entered the bathroom.

Evelyn was clutching her stomach. She was sitting in red water. I was stunned. "Patrick, take me to the hospital," she started to cry. I still couldn't move. What was happening. Her blood filling our tub sparked my bloodlust. Damn these psychiatric drugs. They never work when you need 'em to. "Patrick!" She whined.

I grabbed her a towel. She stood, with my help and dries herself off. I held her arm and walked her into the bedroom. She threw on a dress and we were out the door.

We sit in the waiting room for about an hour before they call us back. They do a sonogram and a gynecological exam. The exam went fine, even though Evelyn was in pain. The sonogram showed my dream-come-true and Evelyn's worst nightmare. We lost the baby.

Evelyn burst into tears as the doctor uttered those words. I sighed, relieved, but Evelyn mistook it for sorrow. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. If I actually gave a shit, now would be the time. She looked genuinely miserable. Her entire world was counting on that baby and it was so easily taken from her.

"I'm just going to lay down, Patrick," she wiped a tear from her eye.

"I'll start on dinner if you want. What sounds good?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Evelyn, you have to eat. Fine, I won't cook. I'll get take-out."

"I don't want food, Patrick. I just want to lay down," she walked into the bedroom. "Oh god," she started crying heavily again.

"What happened now?"

"We forgot to drain the tub," she sobbed. "You have to do it. I can't look at it." I quickly went into the bathroom to shut her up. She tucked herself under the covers, even her face wasn't visible.

The bathtub is my wonderland. I wish I could take a picture of it to look at again and again. Evelyn's blood is everywhere. I feel a grin wash over my face as I slowly walk up to it. It's been such a long time since I've seen it in such a large amount. I dip a hand into the water and I feel myself lose control. I fall forward. "Patrick? Patrick!" I hear before my wonderland goes black.

I'm being pulled backwards. My eyes flit open and I gasp loudly for air. My head is soaking wet and red droplets are dripping from my eyelashes before my eyes. I smell and taste copper.

"Patrick?! Are you alright?" Evelyn was kneeling beside me.

"Wh-what happened?" I rubbed my eyes.

"I think you fainted. Are you feeling ok, honey? You look pale."

"Yeah, I'm fi-" I vomited into the bathtub.

"Oh, honey. Move to the toilet. We need to drain the bathtub. I didn't know you didn't like blood. I'm sorry," she reaches through the water mixed with her blood and my vomit and pulls the drain out.

I vomit again at that sight into the toilet. "I don't have a problem with blood. It's the fact that it all came from your uterus that's disgusting to me!"

"I think we should both lay down for a while," she washed her hands off in the sink.

Mr. & Mrs.BatemanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang