A light bulb went off in my mind. "Ah, that explains why you were able to track him so well!" Yamato smiled, happy to have his intelligence noticed. "Exactly. Now come on." 


Yamato got us in the base with no problem, of course. "SA-" I slapped my hand over Naruto's mouth before he could yell out something and ruin the whole mission. I raised my other hand and placed a finger to my lips, giving him a little, "Naruto, shush." Naruto gave a limp nod with a little sweat drop. He placed my hand off of his mouth. "You know, you could have just shushed me without slapping my mouth closed?" I waved him off with my shrugs. "Yeah, yeah, but that's no fun."

"Hey are you two listening?" Naruto and I turned around to see Yamato with a slight eye twitch. "Uh. Yes?" Naruto and I answered in sync. Yamato sighed. "I expected that from Naruto, but you Kisha?" I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. "Heheh." "Anyway, we're looking for Sai first, now follow me." Yamato led the way. He looked down to hallway both ways making sure no one was around before continuing his walk. Yamato's steps quickened making our's quicken as well. 

Finally he stopped at a door in these seemingly endless hallways. "Sai's behind here." He whispered. He raised his hand and morphed his finger in to a wooden key. I stared at his finger. "How in the hell-" "And lookie here." Yamato stated, stepping into the room and cutting me off. Naruto and Sakura piled in the room, making me last to enter. Sai gave a fake smile. "To think you all caught up with me. Impressive." Naruto grabbed Sai's collar. "You! You betrayed us!! Why!?" Sai simply smiled again. "You shouldn't make to much noise. It'll attract trouble." 

Naruto released Sai. "Tch!" Sakura stepped up, handing out Sai's book. "Here we found this." Sai took it. "Thank you." Hm, even his ''thanks'' seem fake. " ou're here under Danzo's orders right?" I asked, getting to the subject. "What's he plotting?" Sakura added. Sai continued his fake smile. "...No... " "We already know your smiles are fake and the same for the lies your force through it!!" Naruto yelled making me sigh. He's going to get us caught here... "My mission ended in failure the moment you found me and I can't take care of you four by myself.. So.. I assume I might as well tell you all."

Sai's face went stoic, personally I'm glad to have that over the smile. "I am to join up with Orochimaru and yet, be a spy and pass information on Orochimaru back to Danzo-sama." I scoffed. "You're joining Orochimaru just to stab him in the back? How stupid and dangerous." "Well, the second we destroy Konoha, Orochimaru will betray us anyway."  "But why destroy Konoha?" Yamato asked. "Danzo-sama wishes to take over the village I believe." Sakura seemed to be getting more and more amazed at this information. " nd.. You're the only one who Danzo sent for this?" Sai nodded. "My ability made me the best candidate. The ink I write with becomes a mobile animal, taking the information back to Danzo-sama." Sakura clenched her fists. "You do realise, huge members of the village will die if this carries out as you plan!?" "I am following my orders. Sai's not even my name. I am no one. Only a tool to carry out orders." 

Naruto looked quite angry while Sakura seemed taken back. "Wait.." I pointed to Sai's book. "Then why do you care so much about that?" Sakura added on with my words. "Yeah... Is it because it proves you have existed?" "Or because it holds memory of your brother?" I added back on to Sakura's statement making her go on with our accusations. "I think you really keep it because you can't stop being his brother." Sai titled his head in confusion so again I added in. "Meaning, that book is the one link you have to your brother. And you don't want to break that, do you?" 

"We've already seen it too." Yamato said. "The two middle pages are unfinished." Sai stopped his fake smiles completely. "And the way it seemed to me was you and your brother had to fight. I know Danzo used special training to kill your emotions off... To do that.. You had to kill-" "No!" Sai was quick to keep Yamato from finishing that, quick and almost emotional. "This was a present for him, but he later died of illness. We weren't related by blood, but he always praised my work." I could have sworn I heard a hint of sadness in his voice however he gave us that terrible, fake smile. "And now, I can't remember what I wanted to draw for those two pages." 

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