It's Like Kindergarten All over Again part 2

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Most Marvel characters do not belong to me they belong to Marvel comics and Stan Lee. It's been over a month since i've uploaded and i truly apologize for that to everyone who IS reading this story. The only reason that i wasn't uploading was to see if i could get a bit more feedback on this story and apperently i only got one or two comments on it. It's pretty sad. i wouldnt do this if it wasn't necessary but it is, i will only post another new chapter ONLY if i get 5 votes or more on this chapter and 3 comments or more.


“So class the only things that I want you to do for homework is read chapter fourteen all the way to chapter fifteen.”

Groans were made from mostly everyone except for Kat, Peter and me.

“It’s just reading unless you prefer to write a two page paper on what you read.”


I couldn’t help but laugh at everyone’s outrage, which in return caused some of my classmates to look at me as if I lost my mind. This of course caused me to lower my head and tried to make myself invisible. (which by the way was not working, damn! invisivility would have been a great power to have)

“Everyone is dismissed.”

With those three words from the teacher everyone stopped looking at me and practically threw themselves out the classroom door.

“Hope my class wasn’t too bad was it?”

After carefully putting all my things away I looked up from my bag to the teacher.

I smiled before answering, “ Of course not, it was.. Interesting. A lot more interesting than my old government’s class.” It wasn’t a lie. Who wouldn't think this class wasn't interesting?

"Well that's a firts I must admit, most kids think it's boring." Miss. Monroe or Storm as Gambit called her once, was sitting in her chair. Behind her desk.

"I can understand why i mean it is a goverment's class right? Most kids my age aren't interested in polotics and goverment."

I was now standing next to the door making it kind of obvious that I needed to leave.

"Your right, well i'll let you go to your next class bye."

"Bye" I did a quick bye wave before closing the door behind me.

"There you are!"  "Ahh!"

Kat was right infront of me as soon as i turned around from closing the door standing next to Peter.

"Good lord Kat don't do that!"  I was practically having a heart attack.

Looking at Kat giggling made give her a death glare saying to shut it.

"You should of seen the look on your face! If only you could read minds so you could see for yourselve."

"HA-ha-ha. Very funny." I said full of sarcasm.

"Okay sorry. But what were you doing that took you so long?"  Kat had her arm entertwined with mine leading me towards our next class along with Peter."

"Miss. Monroe was asking me what i thought of the class."

"It would have been a lot better if John wasn't even it that class, I'm serious one of this days I'm going to choke him to death."  Looking at Kat she had this far away look. I can only imagine that she was imagening choking John seeing as she also had this seriously creepy smile on her face.

"Peter is she always okay like this? Because that smile on her face in creeping me out."

Peter looked down at Kat and rolled his eyes while shaking his head.

"She's always like this when he makes her mad, apperently it calms her down imagening doing something bad to him."

We stopped only so Peter could open the door for us. Since Kat was still on dream land i had to drag her in with me. Since I saw a row of seats I dragged her there before making her seat down.

"Kitty you know I don't like you having those thoughts when I'm around."

Even though I haven't had a long time memorizing the voice i knew who it belonged to. Professor Xavier.

"I'm sorry Professor it just can't be helped."  Kat was now out of her own little world and talking as if nothing bad happened.

"You should be used to it by now love, John is always like that all you need to do is just ignore him. It goes the same for you Dianna, John can be a pain in the ass and a player everyone knows that so just ingnore him also okay?"

Peter looked dead serious even though it was his friend he was talking about.

"No problem there."  I don't know about the whole John being a player thing but I'm sure as heck ain't finding out about that.

"Don't worry Dian, I'll be there for you whenever he's around bugging you. Maybe one of these days my dream of choking him will come to life."

"Okay Kat stop right there I don't want to see that creepy smile of yours anymore."

I was trying to surpress a smile right now.

And like that my second period started and already my day has been insane.


Okay so sorry that this is short i'm just in a hurry because i'm babysitting, well like i said if you want the next chapter which i promise will be Long i just need 5 votes and 3 comments or more please

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