Chapter 1

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--Lydia's P.O.V--

Testing was OVER! Today was going to be good now that the tests were out of the way. Today my teacher , after a long discussion, said we were going to watch a movie. It took a while but we finally narrowed it down to about 10 movies. As I was thinking on what to vote for I saw it. My teacher left a movie under the projector you could only see the top, and as soon as I saw those eyes I knew exactly who it was. " Umm? Mrs. Jordan. " I said raising my hand. " Yes?" She said looking back. " What movie is that on the board? " I said as if I didn't know. " Oh that's Bridge to Terabithia." My eyes shot open immediately. That's the movie I'm voting for!

--5 minutes later--

It was time to vote the movie. The final the where

Ice Age

The wild

and Bridge to Terabithia

" Thank goodness!" I thought.

So the teacher sent someone up to the board to count the votes by hands.

He called out ice age, Just 3 or 4 raised there hands, Luckily. Then he called out The wild almost every one else put there hand up. Oh crap. Then he called Bridge to Terabithia, my hand shot up right away I looked around no one else... I was so upset. I know what your thinking it's a movie get over it! But this wasn't a movie to me it was a Josh Hutcherson movie. Though the first part of The wild I just sat there. Then it happened... The girl sitting next to me asked me what was wrong an I told her that I wanted to watch the other movie then she said,

" Oh because that guys in it? "

That guy, I thought he not just some guy he's like my life. But I just replied with a, " Yeah kinda."

Then the words came out of her mouth I never thought I'd hear.

" I don't like him. I think he is ugly and a bad actor. "

This might sound stupid but I froze in place and had my 'I'm going to kill you' look on

My friend Zach immediately turned around gasping at what he just over heard. He knew how much I love Josh Hutcherson and knew I was going to take my anger out on someone.

-- Zach's P.O.V--

Oh no! did I really just hear that. Now Lydia was mad! I know how she is and I turned to Alex the girl that said it and basically yelled at her. " What was that about?! Now she going to take it out on me!"

I knew she was going to. I don't know why but when she got mad she would usually take out on me. I could see the anger in her eyes. She almost broke her only pencil two. But, I was able to pry it from her grip.


--Lydia's P.O.V--

I hadn't said I word since what happened. How could I? My favorite actor ever was just insulted. Now you probably think that that's not a big deal but to me it was. During lunch I didn't say anything. Zach sat next to try to make sure I didn't kill any one. Because trust me I would have. I didn't even eat lunch and that's normal because our school lunch is usually bad. But what was I going to do?


What do you think? You think Lydia is crazy? Because most of this is true. I know right. Thanks for reading!! :)) Stay beautiful<3

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