The Beginning (Jay)

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Jay is on the side... isn't she gorgeous???

OK, so here's my second attempt at this story, I'm doing it completely different this time :)

****Chapter has been Re-edited (again:D)****


                (Anna) Once upon a time

                (Jay) Hold up.  What do you think you’re doing’?  I will not have our story start with “once upon a time!”

                (Anna) Well, I think it’s a nice beginning!

                (Jay) Look, I signed your little “agreement” but I don’t want it to start like that.

                (Anna) Jay, please, for me?  I’ll never ask you for anything ever again!

                (Jay) That’s a lie.

                (Anna) All right fine, but you promised you’d cooperate!

                (Mom) Why are you two yelling?  Is everything ok?

                (Both) Everything’s fine mom!

                (Jay) Fine, start however you want.  Doesn’t mean I’m happy about it, and I still get to start.

                (Anna) OK!  Once upon a time…

                (Jay) There was a pair of twins who were adopted by-

                (Anna) A super nice couple.

                (Jay) Anna!  I’m talking butthead, quit interrupting!

                (Anna) Ok, fine.

                (Jay) Ugh.  Where was I?  Oh yeah, the twins, they got dumped in a hospital by unknown parents and were adopted by a couple when they were about two…


                The couple’s names were Saraphina and Andrew Flint.  They were young, about mid-twenties, and fresh out of college.  Both were on a successful career track; the woman was a popular bakery owner, and the man was the manager of a highly-rated gym.  They lived in the sleepy town of Maplewood, Maine and had been were already three months into their blissful marriage.

                They had planned on having at least one child, but when Sara was deemed infertile, they decided to adopt.  On their forty-mile drive to the nearest orphanage, they had agreed to only adopt one.  Fate, however, seemed to have other ideas…


                (Anna) Oh can I say the next part please!  It’s my favorite!

                (Jay) No, it’s my turn.  Remember the agreement?

                (Anna) Hmph.  Fine.

                (Jay) Good.  Now, interrupt me one more time and I’ll tell mom what you did with her emergency credit card during your weekend in Hawaii.


                Anyways, the couple had been walking around in the toddler adoption room for hours before they found the perfect match.  Two of the most unlikely twins were playing dress-up together in a corner of the spacious room.  The funny thing was, you wouldn’t have been able to tell the girls were twins from looking at them, for they were so different in appearance.  One, who the couple later found out was called Angeline, had a petite frame, topped with long, strawberry-red straight hair that had been pulled up in two ponytails on either side of her head.  Her skin was pale like ivory and covered in freckles.  One of her eyes was a haunting crystal blue, while the other was a clear emerald green.  The other’s name was Jordan; she had much longer flowing brown hair with natural gold accents.  Her skin, a deep, rich olive tone highly contrasted her sister’s.  The most interesting feature Jordan had was her eyes, her deep violet eyes that were flecked with gold and seemed to change shades of violet and indigo as she blinked.  Her long, thick eyelashes swept them just often enough to make them sparkle in the orphanage’s harsh, fluorescent light.  She was tall for her young age and thin, with long legs that differed from Angeline’s smaller, chubbier figure.

                Both were unique in their own right, and they stuck together like glue.  They almost always refused to play with the other shrieking toddlers.  Instead, they sat talking to each other barely above a whisper, in that strange toddler language that no adult seems to understand.  Needless to say, Sara and Andrew felt drawn to them.  They spent an hour or so playing time with the girls, which the attendants said was rare for the two.

The young couple immediately fell in love and made arrangements to adopt the girls as soon as possible.  The officials were more than happy to let the girls finally go to a family which they actually seemed to enjoy.  And the girls were happier than they had ever been in their whole three years of life.

That's where our story begins.


OK, so I know this is the same as the first time, but chapter 1 is completely new and different I promise :) Oh, please comment and vote thanks!

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