Narvels back

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Luke and reba were having a makeout session on the coach when narvel walked in
Narvel: reba what are you doing
Reba: what..what are you doing here
Narvel : grabbing the rest of my things
Luke: oh im sorry narvel they are in the box upstairs ill get ' em
Narvel: ok
Lukes upstairs leaving reba and narvel alone
Narvel sits next to reba and puts his hand on her leg
Narvel: reba i still love you we can worj this out please give me another chance we can make it better come on
Narvel leans in for a kiss and holds reba down
Reba tryed to pull away but she couldnt get out his grip
Luke comes from down stairs and thinks they are making out
Luke: reba , narvel how could you!
Luke runs out the house in anger
Narvel let go reba says
Narvel: no you know you want this reba
Reba : no i love luke now im inlove with him not you let go!
Narvel: fine god whatever
Reba: luke come back honey pleassssee
Luke drives off and goes to his old apartment
Reba checks everywhere and cant find him she stops by his old apartment and walks in
Luke: what do you want ? You wanna know what i thought you were diffrent! Get out!
Reba: but luke i-
Luke: get out ! Its over reba!
Reba runs out crying
One week later
Narvel calls luke
N-hey luke i just wanted to let you know i kissed reba and held her down thats why she wasnt pulling away she tryed to and shes at home bawling her eyes out and she looks horrible she wont come in for work wont even leave her house and she wont eat or anything she really misses you
L- really omg i screwed up bad ugh ok thank you bye
N- bye

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