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After mine and Kellz little talk I went to my room and didn't hear him follow me up to my room until he closed the door"look I know that I'm your brother's bestfriend and all that but I do like you and knowing that you like me too is so awesome like it is so important so if you want to be my girl then all we have to do is tell him and I am sure he will be happy"he said with hope in his eyes and I do like him so I think that I will go with it"ok,but I am not going to say yes until you ask me properly and make me remember it like so beautiful because you want me to be your girl ok??"I said cause I know he will be overly posesive so I have to take an advantage of this"ok only cause I really do like you so ok"he said as he grapped my face and looked into my eyes"ok so when I get home I have to tell you something ok"I have to tell him that I have a god daughter and that she lives with me cause her mom is in the hospital"umm,ok"he said then left.

I went out in the town to look at all the stores and bought a really pretty dress and some more things and then I went home and packed my things for home and then went to sleep even though it is like 10:00pm but still I have to get up early.

After my run and taking a shower I went to get my things then went to the airport I sat next to this guy who looked familiar but I didn't pay much attention to it.

After my flight I got home and all the lights were off and that looked weird since my bro. And kellz were supposed to be home

I went in and as soon as o turned on the light everyone yelled"surprise" and poped out from every where I said hi to some people then went to my room and saw kellz in there waiting for me"hi,look I am going to make this quick and ok here I go I love you yes and I want to be with you for the rest of my life and when your ready I will ask the big question but right now I want to say that I know people tell you that you have to change but if your with me I don't want you to change because I love you just the why you are and nobody is perfect but to me you are and I don't want you to change so now I am asking you will you be my girlfriend??"

My life with a rapperDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora