Chapter 5

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The day started as the gang and I prepared to leave the Earth King's Palace. Sokka was packing our supplies, Aang was feeding Appa, Katara was grooming, and I was waking up...

"Hey Katara, can you go wake up Toph we're on kinda of tight schedule." Sokka asked as he put the sleeping bags on top of Appa.

"You mean she hasn't even woken up yet?" Katara said with a hint of irritation

"Oops, maybe I should go...and ask Aang" said Sokka nervously

"Oh no she's mine!" said Katara evilly as she walked to Toph's Earth Tent

"Oh yeah I screwed up big-time.." Sokka mumbled as Katara stomped to Toph's Earth Tent

"Hey Toph, Wake Up! This is the third time this week! We have to leave soon!" yelled Katara through Toph's Earth Tent

"Uuugghh..5 more minutes, Sugar Queen." Toph said sleepily

"(sigh) Aang get over here now and Earth bend this door down for me!" snapped Katara

"Why am I always the one that has to get dragged in the middle?" sighed Aang to Sokka

"Because you're the Avatar, and because you are the only other earthbender in our group." Sokka said as Aang jumped in the air and landed in front of Toph's tent

Just as Aang bent the door down, Katara suddenly bent all her water out of her gourds and walked over to where Toph was sleeping..

"Um..Katara what do you think you're doing?" Aang asked nervously

She didn't answer him as she stared angrily at Toph, till finally she mumbled some words under her breath that sounded like... "Remember you brought this on yourself.."

"Uh oh, I'm getting out of here!" said Aang as he turned to run


Time seemed to stop as the water hit me, what seemed to be minutes was in reality seconds. Everything seemed to run in slow motion even Aang seemed to run as slow as a snail. Finally I felt time resume, and the shockwave that water through my body caused..

"Sokka hit the deck!" yelled Aang

"KATARA-A-A-A-A-A-A!" Toph yelled at the top of her lungs

"You want me dirt princess? Come get me!" snarled Katara

"Oh you got it Sugar Queen" Toph as she popped her knuckles against her other hand

At that moment, a servant carrying a letter was running frantically through the outer-courts of the Palace looking for us

"Sokka, there you are..." the servant weezed hunched over

"We have just..received word that a Southern...Water-Tribe.. commander has just arrived in Ba-Sing-Se."

"Wait. Did you say 'Southern Water Tribe'?" asked Sokka in disbelief

"Yes, I did." said the servant still hunched over weezing

"Yes!" said Sokka as he turned to Katara. "Katara, do you know what this means?" said Sokka

"I know that some of dad's troops are still alive, but don't give your hopes up just yet it might not even be him!" said Katara with a hint of skepticism in her voice

As Katara and Sokka argued, the servant cleared his throat, and continued "That's was not the only news I got for you all." said the servant

"Lady Toph, we just received a letter from your parents, they want you back, but they go on to say in the letter that if you are still not ready to come back at least meet them on the road that leads to the Great Wall."

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