Trying to Reunite

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* Peanuts POV *

Lastnight, I saw my first love with the nigga she stop fucking with me for. Yeah, I know I fucked her over but when I was trying to make everything better between us & trying to start over thats when this nigga want to come back into her life. I hate to see her happy with someone else knowing that she used to be mine. But , It don't matter I'm gone get her back one way or another.

I decided to text her since I haven't talk to her in a minute .















* Kays POV *

After me and Jay finished eating breakfast I grabbed the plates and walked to the kitchen. While in the kitchen I felt my phone vibrate from a text from Peanut that read "Hey , I miss you." I was shocked that he texted me because we haven't talk every since our bad break up a few months ago.

" Hey . & Is that right? "

"Yeah, I guess you don't muss me . Huh?"

"Don't start with me, you know i'm with Jay & I can't be telling boys especially ex's I miss them." I didn't want to tell him I miss him because of Jay but deep down inside I really did. Even though everything that happened between us.

"I understand. 😢"

"But , Were you at the movies lastnight ?"

"Yeah, I saw you with your little boo & some friends"

"Lol, Shut up . I saw you , Who was you with?"

"My niggas but You want to chill? Only if thats okay with your boo"

"Umm , I'll see but I have to go . Bye. "

"Well, let me know & Bye."

I looked over at Jay he looked a little confused & angry , "Whats the matter Babe?" I asked

"Nothing , I just want to know who you texting & why"

"Oh , I was texting Peanut"

Jay faced turned red & was filled with anger. "TF , WHY???!!!" He shouted

" He wanted to know if I can hang out with him." I said quietly

"Hell no. Tell him to Fuck on cause that ain't happening."

"Okay Babe "















* Jays POV *

Man , I'm so sick of this nigga always trying to take my girl & shit. He should've never fucked her over when he had her thats his fault. But , I don't even give a fuck he ain't never getting Kay back so he can give up on trying cause the shit ain't gone work.

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