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Annie is so excited about the party that she can barely contain it. We step in to the bar and I can already see our friends at the table.

The music is playing quietly and there are people everywhere, but it's not too crowded.

''Don't be mad,'' Annie steps in front of me to block the view to our table, ''but I have a quest here you didn't know about.''

''Did you get me a date? Because if you did I am going to leave right now and you can party alone,'' I say annoyed that she would do this again.

''No no, no date for you today,'' she smiles apologetically. I don't know if it's because of the dates she has forced on me or because of that guest.

She steps away and my eyes land on the person she is talking about.

''Stella is here,'' she says.

''I can see that,'' I say emotionlessly because I don't know what I'm feeling right now. My heart leaps, beating so hard like it wants to escape. She is sitting here, chatting with my friends. I haven't seen her in over 6 months.

I stand in the middle of the bar like a fool unable to move backwards or forwards.

''Come on.'' Annie takes me by my hand and pulls me to the table, that's when Stella noticed me.

Her eyes were looking into mine and I melted into a sad lovesick puddle. Her beautiful green eyes, her hair longer and redder than before, looking beautiful as ever, she stands up and envelopes me in an awkward hug.

''Hey,'' she says.

''Hi,'' I'm speechless. Why didn't anybody tell me that she will be here? I could have prepared myself for this.

Everyone is chatting but I can't be bothered to fallow. Stella is sitting across from me engaged in a conversation with everybody. From time to time she is looking at me with a sad apologetic smile.

It's been more than a half a year and I still get butterflies when she looks at me. I can't take my eyes off of her as pathetic as it may sound. Her smile is breathtaking, she looks so beautiful and carefree talking to my friends.

I love her. I have never said it out loud and I probably never will, but I love her so much. When she gave me a chance I was the happiest girl in the world. Of course I got too excited and hoped for too much which resulted in a heartbreak.

''I'm sorry,'' Annie whispers from next to me taking my hand in hers.

''Liam saw her at a charity event he worked at and invited her. I thought it was fantastic idea. I should have told you first though,'' she whispers. I just shake my head. I am the only one with issues here, the others seem genuinely happy to see her.

At this moment the table is empty. I see boys at the bar ordering drinks, don't know where Annie went. I feel like a zoned out or something. Stella is the only one still sitting at the table with me.

''How are you?'' she asks me shyly. She sits next to me. I guess it better for talking because of the music that is getting louder by the hour. I can see that this is uncomfortable for her. Why did she come then? She must have known that I will be here.

''I'm ok,'' I answer shortly. I am ok, not good or fantastic, but I manage.

''Oh, that's good,'' she swallows nervously. Why is she nervous?

I don't know what to say after that. We both just stare at each other and around the room awkwardly.

The booth we are sitting in is not meant for 9 people so we are crammed in here. We are sitting side to side and I'm pressed against Stella. Everybody is eating snacks, drinking, and having a fun light conversation. Stella's hand, I presume accidentally, rests on my thigh for a moment and it sends a tingle up mu body.

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