Chapter Two

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After finishing her math test, Ava grabbed her backpack and maneuvered her way out of the crowded school hallways. She said good bye to all of her friends and started to leave, but a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the school.

Ava turned around. It was her boyfriend, Brandon. "Hey," he said. "Where are you going?"

"Oh, I was just going to meet a friend," Ava said.

"What friend?" Brandon asked, crossing his arms.

"My friend Noah. He was my best friend in the town I used to live in," Ava said.

"Who's this Noah, and why does he suddenly want to hang out with you?" Brandon said. "I don't think you should go."

Ava felt like rolling her eyes. Brandon was always so controlling. "I already told you, Brandon. We used to live in the same town. He was my best friend. We're just hanging out to catch up, okay? I have to go. I'll call you later."

Ava left the school and walked to the same coffee shop she had gone to yesterday. She scanned the room. Noah wasn't there yet. Ava walked up to the counter and ordered a mocha frappe. She paid, got her coffee, and sat down on the bench outside of the coffee shop.

She saw Noah walk by. "Hi," he said, sitting down next to her. "What's up?"

"Just finished my math midterm," she said. "I think I did okay."

"Okay?" Noah asked. "You always used to get amazing grades in math. I'm sure you did great."

Ava blushed. She knew she was good at math, but she always tried to be humble about it. "Whatever, Noah. What have you been up to?"

"My family and I have been touring around New York," Noah said. "It really is pretty here around Christmas time. The holiday lights and decorations are spectacular."

"Have you seen the iconic tree in Rockefeller Center yet?" Ava asked.

"No," Noah said. "But I really want to. I just haven't gotten a chance yet."

"Why don't we go visit it now?" Ava suggested. "I always love visiting the Christmas tree there."

Noah nodded. "Okay. Let's go."

Ava and Noah walked together to Rockefeller Center. They spotted the big tree with all of its Christmas lights and ornaments.

"Wow," Noah whispered in amazement.

"Yeah. It's so pretty, isn't it?" Ava said, looking up at the tree.

"Yeah, it is," Noah said. "I think the prettiest place at Christmas time is here."

Ava agreed and decided to show him around more of New York  The rest of the day they walked around New York together. Ava showed Noah her favorite bookstore in town, her favorite pizza place, and even the pet store that she liked to go in so she could look at all of the cute puppies and kittens.

"I wish I had a kitty," Ava said, petting a fluffy white kitten.

"Why don't you get one, then?" Noah asked.

"Please, Noah. I can't just buy a kitten," Ava said, being the responsible, rational one. "I'm saving money for college, and cats are expensive."

"You can just buy a kitten," Noah said, being the impulsive, irrational one. He picked up the white Persian kitten that Ava had been petting and brought it up to the cashier. "I'd like to buy this cat, please."

"Noah, no," Ava said, rushing up behind him. "You can't just--"

"I can," Noah said. "I'm buying this kitten for you."

"But what about vet visits, and shots, and neutering, and food, and litter, and--"

"I'll take care of that, okay?" Noah said.

"I can't let you do this for me. It's too much--"

"Ava, stop. We haven't seen each other in two years. The least you could let me do is get you this cat. Now be quiet and enjoy the fact that you have a kitten now."

Ava sighed. Noah was definitely not using his head, or at least the logical part of his head. A part of her liked it, though. She wouldn't ever admit it, but she was happy at the fact that Noah would do anything for her, such as buying her a kitten.

The cashier took Noah's money and handed him the kitten in a cat carrier, along with a free bag of food. "See?" Noah said, walking out of the pet store. "How great is this?"

Ava kept back her excitement. "It's great, Noah. I love the cat, and it was a really nice thing to do. But you are the most irresponsible, irrational, and impulsive person I have ever met!"

"Shut up, Ava. No one wants to hear your 'I'm so responsible' rant. Sometimes, you just gotta live in the moment. We probably won't see each for a long time after this, so I got you a kitty," Noah said, peeking inside the cat carrier. "What are you gonna name her?"

"I don't know," Ava said. "What should I name her?"

"How about..." Noah thought about it for a moment. "I've got it. Greg!"

"It's a girl," Ava laughed.

"Then how about...Zara!"





"N--wait, I actually like that," Ava said. "Fiona. What a pretty name. Good job, Noah."

"Thank you," Noah said, proud of himself for picking out a name that Ava liked.

Before Ava and Noah parted ways, they promised to hang out again during Noah's vacation. Noah gave Ava the cat carrier with Fiona inside, and Ava thanked him.

When Ava got home, she showed her parents her new kitten. She brought her up to her room and took her out of the cat carrier.

"Aren't you so cute?" Ava said to Fiona. She pet her soft, fluffy fur.

Suddenly, a thought occurred in Ava's mind. Brandon would never do anything like this for me. She quickly pushed the thought out of her head.

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