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Lexa's POV

I was riding through the trees with two of my guards on our way to Tondc when one of the guards called out that there was something in the sky. I looked up, following his gaze to a giant rock falling to Earth. I narrowed my eyes at the object. Upon further inspection, it was a flaming rock from the sky. Or... Maybe it wasn't a rock, but a ship from space. It appeared to be the creation of man, for nature could not have so perfectly shaped the rock.

I motioned to the two guards once we saw it vanish behind tree tops. "We must go inspect."

"But what if it is a trap, Heda?" One of them says.

"Then we best prepare ourselves." I said, pulling on my horses rein and pushing him onward into a gallop. My two guards did the same, following behind me.

We reached the sky ship in an hour or so, but we were sure to keep our distance. I got off my horse and gave the reins over to one of my guards, telling them both to stay put. I crouched behind a bush and looked out at the object, it remained closed, and I began to stand, but then something on the front began opening.

When it hit the ground, a girl with dark hair stepped out before the others, landing swiftly on the ground. She put her arms up in the air and smiled widely, shouting, "We're back, bitches!"

I tilted my head at the gesture, peering behind her to see the others. Kids no older than 15-18 began shuffling out behind her, and when they were all out my eyes rested on a beautiful girl with blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes.

She was looking at the world curiously, a small grin on her face. It faded and she went back into the sky ship, coming out a moment later with a map. She started looking over it immediately, possibly trying to decipher where they were. It was clear she had to be the Sky People's leader, for no one else seemed to be taking it upon themselves to take care of everyone like she was.

When I returned to my warriors, I pulled a map out of the satchel on my horse and set it across it's back, circling the area we were in. I marked it as, "Skaikru," then put the map away, climbing back onto my horse.

"We're just going to leave?" One of my warriors asks.

"They have only just landed. We cannot do anything until we know what they are capable of. The Sky People will, however, require eyes on them at all times. I will send one of our best scouters to keep an eye on them for now." I explain, kicking my horse back into a gallop.


One month later...


Clarke's POV

I sit on a rock beside the river, sketchbook in hand. Using the charcoal that we had on the ship, I began drawing the trees across the water. I was alone, silently drawing the scenery. I did this a lot, choosing a different spot each time. There was one spot I had taken a liking to, towards the North. It had a small cave that I could sit in for shade, and there were always weird animals passing by.

I was in the middle of sketching out the leaves when I heard a stick snap behind me. I lifted my head, turning around and putting my sketchbook down. I grabbed my gun from my belt, pointing it out at the trees. I loved being alone in the woods to draw, but sometimes you never knew what could come at you. The weird snake thing that had gotten Octavia flashed through my mind.

"Who's there?" I shouted, scanning the trees with my eyes. A bunny emerged over towards the left of the woods, hopping peacefully across the land. I let out a breath, lowering my gun and strapping it back into my belt. "God, you're so paranoid sometimes." I muttered to myself, sitting back down and continuing my sketching.

A Commander and a PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora