"That's ancient history," Chloe waved his concerns away.

Hurt by her words, Pete just stared at her for a while.

"Are you high?" he asked.

"Only on life," she smiled. "You should try it, Pete, I've never felt so free."

"Chloe, there's something wrong with you."

"Pete," she got up from her chair and stood in front of him. She leaned in and whispered seductively. "You need to live a little."

Pete swallowed as he watched her walk away. Something was definitely wrong with Chloe. Usually Pete would run to Chloe with something like this but since she clearly had no interest in what was wrong, he was on his own. He suddenly wished he'd paid more attention when she was investigating the strange phenomena in Smallville. Instead he turned on Chloe's computer in the hope that she had been affected by something that she was already looking into.


By lunch time Chloe had had enough of school. She'd found a few cute boys to make-out with but they were all too tentative for her tastes. She had somehow managed to sit through most of her history, class, though she'd finally heckled the teacher once too often and earned herself a visit to the Principles office for her troubles.

On her way there though, she decided that was boring and took her phone out to call Clark. There was another missed call from her father but she dismissed the notification.

"Hey, Clark, you busy?" she asked when he answered.

"I'm in the middle of a math lesson," he said.

"Boring! How about skipping out and doing something fun!"

"Chloe, are you okay?" he asked.

"Why is everyone asking me that? I'm fine. Wonderful in fact," she said. "So, are you interested?"

"I can't, Chloe."

"Please! You're home schooled, of course you can."

Clark was silent for a few moments. "What did you have in mind?"

"I want to try rock climbing," she said.

"Okay, I'll come and join you when I can."

"Great. Meet me at Lone Point, if you can drag yourself away," she hung up.

Clark hung up and frowned.

"Is something wrong?" his teacher, Mrs Styles asked. She was a sweet woman and an excellent teacher, but Clark missed his old tutor, Jenny. Sex-Ed with her had been something to remember!

"A friend of mine is... well she's acting out of character."

"Would you like to go and check on her?"

"My father-"

"I'll tell him we finished early. And really, Clark, it's not like you need my help with Math."

Clark grinned. "Thanks, Mrs S." He kissed her cheek because he knew it made her blush, then headed out.


Clark stopped by the school first but Chloe was nowhere to be found. Pete Ross was in the Torch office though, and he had a few things to say.

"What the hell did you do to her?" he asked, pushing Clark aggressively.

"What are you talking about?"

"Chloe! What did you slip her? Ecstasy, speed, crack?"

"Whoa! I haven't done anything to her!" Clark took a deep breath and tried to calm his temper. " In fact... I'm starting to get worried myself."

The Making of a MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now