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Me and ally were just u packing our staff when everyone was called to get name tags and pick a partner from the opposite gender. But before I went tithe meeting room I went to go get snack.
" um miss you need 50 cents more for your purchase "
I was looking at this guy like he was crazy because I was buying a granola bar and I gave the guy 3 dollars and I left my purse in my room
All of a sudden I hear a deep voice say
" it's okay I'll pay for it " I look up to see the person I never thought I'll ever see again
" Destiny is that you " he asked I was so surprised that I didn't realized I was staring at him he looked like he was taking steroids he was so built . When we were younger he wasn't nothing like this he was just cute but now he was taking out of a magazine.
I was taking out my daze when I saw him waving his hand over my face
" I'm sorry but I have to go ." With that I was gone

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