He softly pecked my lips before walking out of my office. I sighed grabbing us each a bottle of water when I heard the front door close. I know it's Sam. I guess it's a good thing Harry and I pulled away from each other when we did. I walked into the studio and saw they were already talking. I just hope today goes by fast till I can be around Harry later. 

We were almost done with our practice when I heard the door open. I looked over and saw Adam walking in, dressed up like he's about to go to work. What is he doing here? He never comes here. Sam stopped practice before I walked over to Adam, "What are you doing here?"

"Well I decided to come here to see my girlfriend since I don't get to see her at home anymore."

"I'm sorry. I'm just really busy here."

I noticed him look over at Harry before he looking back at me, "I can tell. Have you even been home?"


He nodded before roughly griping my chin, kissing me. I quickly pulled away, "Bye, Adam."

He rolled his eyes, "I'll see you later."

He walked out after that. I'm happy that he did. I really don't want to be around him. I feel bad that Harry had to see that. I don't want to hurt Harry with it all. I walked back over when Sam mumbled, "We'll finish everything up tomorrow."

I nodded as he walked out. Once he was out I reached over, intertwining Harry and I's fingers. I can tell he's upset about it. I don't want him to be. I pulled him into my office. He pulled his hand away from mine as I closed the door. I want to make sure no one just walks in and hears this. It's no one else's business. I don't want Harry to be upset. I can't help it that Adam came here though. I walked over to the couch, moving so that I was straddling him. I thought this would get him to smile but he didn't. I started messing his some of the free pieces of hair on the back of his neck, "I'm really sorry that he came here."

"It's fine."

"No, it's not. I can tell that you're upset."

He finally looked at me, "I can't help it. I don't like the way he just grabbed then kissed you. It was upsetting to see." 

"That was him being gentle."

He shook his head, "It's so wrong though. You don't deserve that."

"I know. I'll be able to just be with you soon enough."

"Honestly seeing him treat you like that makes me want to beat the shit out of him."

"He's honestly not worth it. He would get the cops involved and I'm not sure if I can be away from you for very long."

He smirked a little bit, "I'm happy you're mine now."

"I'll always be your's."

He didn't say anything else. He gently pressed his lips against mine. I would much rather be kissing him. He's the only person I want to be with. He makes me forget about being with Adam. It's almost like I'm not even with him anymore. Mine and Adam's relationship is pretty much over. It's been over for awhile now. It's just trying to get him to admit that. I can't stay around basically being a sex slave for him anymore. He rapes me at this point because I don't willing have sex with him anymore. I know Harry isn't going to be like that with me. He hasn't even asked for anything. A part of me wants to start doing things with him though. Maybe it's too early. I mean some people do have sex on the first date but we didn't do that. We've actually together more than just one date. Well we've only had one official date though. After that we've just gone back to his house to spend time together. We've spent whatever time we can together though. He pulled away from out kiss sooner than I wanted him to. I know we can always continue all this later once we're back at his house. He moved some of my hair, "I hate to say this but I really need to go. I have to go to my other practice."

I nodded, "I understand, babe."

I noticed him smirk a little bit as I said that. I moved off of him. He stood up, softly pecking my lips, "I'll see you later, love."

I nodded as he walked out. I don't like seeing him leave but I do get that he has other things to do like with his boxing. I'm sure that's the other practice he's going to. Does that mean he has a fight coming up soon? I don't know. I can always ask him about it later. It's not that big of a deal. I sat down at my desk and started doing some paperwork. I know I still have to make sure all that gets done. I can't just forget about it anymore. Before Harry came around this was the only reason I got to stay here late at night instead of going home. I enjoyed it then. Now I don't really enjoy it. I have other things I want to do. I know it will all be better when I can just hire Kate to work here full time and I won't have as many classes to teach. I do love dance but I do want to make time for other things like maybe spending more time with Harry once we can be open with us. Well we don't have to hide everything. We just have to hide things from certain people as it is now. It's just going to suck that my parents won't have anything to do with me after they find out. They want me to marry Adam and have a family with him. That's not what I want at all. I want to enjoy being young and doing the things I want to do not be with someone who treats me like shit. There were points where I had thoughts of harming myself to make myself feel better. I'm happy that I didn't. I know the little girls that I work with here look up to me. I don't want to disappoint them. Helping them learn something that I love makes me happy. I hope they grow up and want to open a studio too or even be a professional. I know me hurting myself would keep them from that. Now that I'm with Harry I haven't even thought about it. I'm happy that he's changed that for me. 

I finished up a part of what needed to be done when I heard the front door to the studio open. I know some of the girls are starting to get here. I know after this class I get to be with Harry. I smiled a little bit before getting up and meeting them in the first studio. 

I was almost done teaching the class when I heard the front door close. I looked towards the hallway when I saw Harry walk by. I noticed him wink at me as he walked towards my office. I couldn't help but smile a little bit. I finished up the class and made they all had a ride home before walking back towards my office. I noticed that the door was closed. That's a little weird. I'm sure he didn't want to hear all the talking coming from the parents. I know they can be a little loud at time. I walked inside and saw him laying on the couch with an arm over his face. I smiled a little bit. He's so cute. I moved over softly pressing my lips against his. I felt him smile before they started to move in sync with mine. I pulled away, "Is everything okay?"

He grabbed my hand, "Yeah. I'm just tired."

I nodded, "Let's go get my stuff then so we can go back to your house."

I softly pecked his lips before he got up. I'm happy I finally get to spend the rest of the day with him. I've been waiting for this since this morning. I'm sure that he has too. 

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