chapter sixteen

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Amy's pov

I get to go home!!! yay!!! Anyway, im doing better. "Ams, do you need help?" Liam asked. "Nope. I got it." I said wheeling away. I choose wheel chair because, its fun. "Liam. I need help going to my room. its upstairs." I said. "ok. be there in a minute" Liam replied. "ok. what do you need?" Li asked. "Take me to my room please?" I begged. "whatever." Li said. when we got to my room he put me down on my bed. "you want to watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure. what movie?" Liam said. "umm...I have, The whole Doctor who season 1-8 or toy story 1-3. pick one." I said. "TOY STORY!!!!" Liam yelled. "ok. toy story it is. can you get it out of the cabinet. please?" I asked. "sure." Li said. knock knock . "come in!" I yelled. "Hey! Amy. how ya felling?" the girl asked. "Li?" I asked Liam. "oh. hey Jade. did you read the text I sent?" Liam asked. "No....oh.. ok." the girl said. "Jade?" I asked. "yeah?" she responded. "oh..sorry I forgot. Li should've explained." I said. "he did" jade said. "sorry I forgot you and the other girls." I said.


TIME: 10:00 pm

Liam's pov

"Ams you awake?" I asked Amy. "What?" she asked. "can I stay the night?" I asked. "sure. can you help me walk to the bed. its hard to walk." she said. "sure. c'mon." I said lifting her off the wheel chair. and putting her on her bed. "g'night, love." I said giving her a kiss. "night." she said closing her eyes. "Amy. i'm gonna sleep downstairs." I said just before I walked out she said. "sleep here." and pointed to her bed. "ok." I was already in my pajamas so I went and layied next to her. "love you." I said. "love you too Li." Amy said.

TIME: 8:00 am

Liam's pov

"Amy! Liam! breakfast is ready!" Dylan yelled. "Amy. wake up." I said. "" she said going back to sleep. ok. lets see... Perrie she remembers Perrie. they've be bff's for like 6 years. "Amy. if you wake up ill invite Perrie for a movie day." I said. "im up! Im up!" she said. "i knew that would work." I said. "really? I hate you. you know that right" Amy said. "yeah. but you love me." I said. "what day is it today?" Amy asked. "December. 19th. why?" I asked. I know it her and Dylan's birth day tomorrow. "can we go and get Dylan a present for tomorrow?" Amy asked. "Sure. when do you want to go?" I asked. "After breakfast." Amy said.


Amy's pov

"ok. im gonna go get ready. be down in a minute." I said going to my room. wait. "Li I need help. cant go up stairs with a wheel chair. " I said. "ok." he said. after Li brought me to my room I changed into a white crop-top and a teal skirt. with my favorite black converse. "I ready!" I yelled down.


"Amy. your phone is ringing." Dylan said. "Ok.... hello?" I said.


ME: hello

JAKE: hello.

ME: *turns phone on speaker and tells everyone to listen*

ME: what do you want

JAKE: ........

ME: thought so. bye


"that was weird. why did he call?" Perrie asked. "I don't know." I said. "hey! i'll be right back. I have a Skype call for my world tour next month. brb." I said going to my office. its downstairs me and Dylan switched mine was upstairs but his was bigger than mine so I swichted cuz I need a bigger office for my YouTube videos and Music. simple. any way so I'm skyping my manegment from YouTube and then have to film a video. cuz its Wensday and its video day. yeah. tomarrows my b day!!! so yeah. work time.

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